Have you ever met vapid people who watch reality shows who were dismissive of sci fi?

Sounds like a lucky escape for you.
My Mum was actually the one who initially got me interested in science fiction. However when it comes to fantasy she is of the rather snobbish opinion that anything other than Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit is simply not worth reading*.

My Dad is of the same mind when it comes to fantasy, but when it comes to science fiction he only likes Arthur C Clarke and the first Dune book.

When it comes to "normal" people, I've not actually encountered any hostility or contempt since school

*Bizarrely this also includes all of Christopher Tolkien's work
Not so much now, but when I was younger, I would get a lot of playful micky taking of my love for the genre, but then people would approach me later with the comment, "actually, I quite like... (insert sci-fi series here)".

My best friend says he's read about five books in his life. He is the brightest person I know.

I don't find people dismissive of the genre at all. I meet many people that don't like science fiction, but I think it's lost the image of being just for kids.
No there were a couple of hundred fellow weirdo’s with me. I know there is at least one fellow sufferer on this forum, not sure if they were a Knotter or Equis.
Equis. :giggle:
There's probably others.
