The Mandalorian - Chapter Eleven - The Heiress


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

The Mandalorian braves high seas and meets unexpected allies.

Note this episode is short. The running time is 33 minutes.
It is kind of nice that sublight speed takes time to make it cross the system. In a way if you take in the icy planet from the last episode, and now the water world, the system looks pretty much like ours. But I honestly doubt there's spider clans living in the Kuiber Belt. Although we might never know, because it takes so long to get there.

I doubt that Mando limbed through the system for months, because even with sublight speeds it doesn't look like they were on the voyage for ages. His entry into the atmosphere was classic plunge. A death ride. The shuttle would have done it in much slighter angle. Not dropping like a rock.

Frankly, I'm amazed that the retro-rockets slowed Razor Crescent down to a safe landing speeds.


To be honest it shows that back in the Old Republic days they knew how to build things that last. I assumed that at least one of the engines would have fallen off, since it was already attached flimsily to the stub wings. I guess because it was built to take punishment from the robot army.

The Mon Kalamari mechanic took it in, even though personally I would have given bollocking and then asked for extra seeing that the Mandalorian is wearing so much bling, visibly. After all it's one of the priciest material in the SW universe.

In our world Mando would be wearing gold chains to show his status. Yet, somehow all the people around him act as if he's a normal dude walking in the harbour .


Those of you who said there was no genocide were right. The Frog Lady's life cycle might be a weird one and it might be that after the fertilisation rituals she might not be able to produce more. Little Yoda saw the eggs as food to the end.

I loved that the food he got was alive and it tried to eat him. :LOL:

The picture at above shows the art in much different light and I for one would have loved seeing that shot instead of the comedy. The reason is that there is something magical in the little one, in everything he does. And I'm not talking about using the Force.


It amazes that Mando didn't see the trap setup until it was too late. It is as if he's a fool for trusting the people, while he's showing the bling. Then again, if it is true that the people are wearing Mandolorian sets, then the fishermen were fools for thinking that they could somehow manage to take down the man.

If it not had been the House Kryze sisters it might have happened. Although I expected him to slay them through the grill and then go to save the child and then somehow find the way to the Mandalorians.


Bo-katan's armour is painted. It doesn't show the shine of Beskar. Also I was happy that she showed Mando that the true clan people can show their faces. It is not denied. And it is not something you'd frown upon, unless you were thought other clan customs.

I loved even more that she slapped Mando in face with the history, by starting from calling him the Child of Watch. The people who broke away from the clans and tried to live in the Old Republic ways, where Mandalore the Ultimate lead their people to conquer the galaxy.

If it not had been the Sith and their betrayal, they would have most possibly succeeded. They were that good. In theory.

I kind of get why the Emperor purged the Mandalore, because if he saw the end coming ... somehow he would have made sure that the one thing he feared couldn't do it, when he was gone. In the ST universe the equivalent action would be castrating the Klingons.


Hitting supply lines is definitely something that the Mandalorians would definitely do. It surprised me that the mark was an Imperial Cruiser. In the aftermath of the Imperium falling to pieces seeing that sort of hardware is surprising. Then again, Darth Vader must have ordered loads of them to fulfil the needs of the Emperor.

But we also know that the New Republic is patrolling in the system, so it is even weirder that the Imperial Cruiser was visiting the docks without escorts. The fact is the Imperial officers were never blessed with smarts. As soon as the stormtroopers identified the aggressors as the Mandalorians, he should have waved a white flag and asked for terms.

Speaking of which Mando was right, but he was outmatched by royal witnesses from the Heiress of Clan Kryze. He should have understood that the ship itself is a weapon, and Bo-Katan was capturing the ship to draw in the fleet to the New Republic patrol zone.

In other words, Mando should have told her that she's arousing the flames of war and questioned about the motif for that action. But he's not that smart. Nor does he know the customs of the Mandolore, because as soon as Bo-Katan asked about the Dark Sabre, it should have rang some bells.

Well, at least now he has a way to find the Jedi, and it's no other than ASHOKA!!! Long live the Grey!
A good analysis, but you didn't mention that this episode was filled with jokes - it was like a comedy episode:

Mando tells the Child, "Don't play with your food", when the tentacled thing jumps onto his face. Also they addressed the poor shooting ability of Stormtroopers saying that they couldn't hit the side of a Bantha - (I'm guessing that their poor targeting must be a genetic flaw that has crept within the clone genome).
A good analysis, but you didn't mention that this episode was filled with jokes - it was like a comedy episode:

Mando tells the Child, "Don't play with your food", when the tentacled thing jumps onto his face. Also they addressed the poor shooting ability of Stormtroopers saying that they couldn't hit the side of a Bantha - (I'm guessing that their poor targeting must be a genetic flaw that has crept within the clone genome).

Stormtroopers are not clones, the clones were replaced by enlisted stormtroopers. The clones have a poor opinion of stormtroopers.
Stormtroopers are not clones, the clones were replaced by enlisted stormtroopers. The clones have a poor opinion of stormtroopers.
I stand corrected - although Reddit says it is more complicated than that:
If not, why are Stormtroopers such bad shots? It isn't just the standard 'bad guys can't shoot straight and the good guys can' in any film, it is much more obvious than that.
If not, why are Stormtroopers such bad shots? It isn't just the standard 'bad guys can't shoot straight and the good guys can' in any film, it is much more obvious than that.

Because it's all a big joke and they cannot give up.
A good analysis, but you didn't mention that this episode was filled with jokes

Thank you but I didn't see too many jokes.
‘And these blast, too accurate for sand people, only imperial stormtroopers are so precise...’

Really, Obi Wan? I thought you were an awesome Jedi but...

In his olden days he went a bit loopy. Bless him. But when you look at his history he was in the centre of so many things and he took down so many Sith. In other words he should be celebrated as a legendary Jedi knight.
I again thought "Alien" when Baby Yoda's lunch attached to his face, as I did when the spiders were emerging from their egg pods. There's more than one reason to stir your chowder when you might be the meal.
I thought Bo-Katan Kryze looked familiar when she removed her helmet, but I didn't realize she was Katee "Starbuck" Sackhoff before the credits rolled.
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I thought Bo-Katan Kryze looked familiar when she removed her helmet, but I didn't realize she was Katee "Starbuck" Sackhoff before the credits rolled.

I recognised her straight away and I thought 'ere we go, something's gonna blow up' Interesting thing is that she's a clan leader and she's hunting the Darke Sabre. If you follow that line then you can assume so does all the other clans. It is intriguing to think that Mando might be wielding it and then chucking it away, because he doesn't know the customs. But if he did, by wielding it, he could make all Mandalorians to wear helmet all of the time.

Also you can't add Kryze as her last name (I think), because it's a House. So, a formal intro would go along line "Bo-Katan of the House of Kryze."
I liked the story. I was disappointed in the length of the episode but that's a minor point. I'm glad someone heard that the Jedi would be Ashoka. I couldn't quite understand what was said at that juncture of the program but thought it was Ashoka. Now I wonder how close they will stay to the backstory. Will she still be deeply disappointed in the Jedi? She became by far my favorite character in the animated series.
Here's a question for those who know, will we see Sabine Wren and Ezra alongside Ashoka? I've been personally pondering the question since Ashoka and Sabine went to search Ezra, after he "disappeared."

The Mandalorian has avoided the Force and all things related to them since the introduction, but now that we know who we are going to see, the question is will they finally show the fans some of them bigger Force effects, or the places we have seen in the animated series.

Also another question remains, will Ashoka still be hurting from the fight in the Sith temple? Does PTSDs ever heal?
Bo-Katan was once a member of Death Watch, the militant Mandalorian splinter group that would later save Din Djarin's life during the fall of the Republic. At that time, Bo-Katan's sister, the pacifist Duchess Satine, ruled Mandalore. Death Watch wanted to restore the Mandalorians to their old warrior culture.

Bo-Katan split from Death Watch after an alliance with the former Sith Darth Maul -- an association she advised gainst -- led to the deaths of Death Watch's leader and Duchess Satine and Maul taking control of Mandalore. Bo-Katan vowed to free her people.

She did just that with Ahsoka Tano and Republic troops' help on the eve of the Republic's fall. Bo-Katan and members from her clan sought out Ahsoka and, with her help, convinced Obi-Wan Kenobi to work with them to depose Maul. Obi-Wan couldn't participate in the battle himself, but send Ahsoka and Captain Rex to lead the assault. Ahsoka faced Maul one-one-one and defeated him, taking him prisoner and away from Mandalore. Bo-Katan stayed on Mandalore to try to restore order to her homeworld.

I had forgotten that she was part of the Death Watch back in the day. Still couldn't handle the Cyber Maul.


The whole restoring part was done by Sabina Wren, when she handed over the Dark Sabre to make Mandalore whole again, before the Purge.


I think I may have reached a turning point with this and it could be my last episoode.

I wasn't impressed I'm afraid.

I could expound, but I try not to do that nowadays, for fear of upsetting devotees
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I think I may have reached a turning point with this and it could be my last episoode.

I wasn't impressed I'm afraid.

I could expound, but I try not to do that nowadays, for fear of upsetting devotees

But I think this is healthy. We (you) should be able to describe what you didn't like without fear of recrimination or reprisals. It reminds me of something I saw on Twitter yesterday where someone had posted

' "You're not a horror fan unless..." Thank you, that's enough of that!'

and I really liked the response it got. The horror community (horrorfam hashtag) is so supportive on Twitter and I think SW fans could learn a lot. We discuss films and some people might hate oft-lauded movies whilst others extol them. But it rarely (actually, never that I've witnessed) gets as unpleasant as the SW fandom.

I count myself lucky that I like all SW content but I can see why people dislike the new films (whether prequel or sequels) and animations. It seems to me the notmystarwars hashtag is the epitome of toxic entitlement but then there are the devotees who will defend even dodgy creative or narrative decisions. I remember growing up with football violence between team supporters, on the news, but as time has passed so has that - largely. This SW hate (inter alia) is on a similar level!

So, I'd like to hear your thoughts anyway.
Well, I see nothing to dislike about this series so far. I don't understand all the back-story because I haven't seen everything SW but that is rather my own problem and not theirs. The story is being explained quite enough, when it is required, that I have had no problem in following it. I also love that the SW universe has such a detailed canvas. The first trilogy and first prequel spent far too much time on Tatooine, supposedly merely an insignificant desert planet on the outer rim. We never delved into the history and culture of other planets that were visited in quite the same way as we did Tatooine, it was simply ice world, water world, sky world, forest world, urban world. That they paint the history and culture of Mandalore in more detail can only be good.
