@chrispenycate .... A new sweep blooms .... Chris reminds us that even in a new administration who sweeps with a big broom, some old things remain even if wrapped in a new package.
I've just finished reading your story, somehow I gnu how it was going to endI'm in! And with apologies to Parson who undoubtedly was hoping for something a little more spiritual and uplifting as we approach Christmas! (But do I get a prize for shoe-horning a star into my story anyway?? )
For all those who are fully aware that I only ever post a story on the last possible day, and sometimes at the last possible hour, and who now think they've lost 12 days of pre-Christmas... DON'T PANIC!!
It just so happens that a pun occurred to me, and I knew (or gnu! Ha!!) that someone else was bound to think of it soon, so I wanted to get my version in first.