Stupidest line in a scifi TV series episode


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2020
My candidate is "I have never been defeated in mortal combat." spoken by June Chadwick as Lydia in the 1984 V series. Jane "Diana" Badler even lampshades the line with "Of course not, if you had you'd be dead."
Close runner up Dr. Zachery Smith on Lost in Space (Jonathan Harris) "I eat vegetables every day, cooked and raw."...spoken to a six foot tall walking carrot alien who was holding him at ray-gun point.
What are your nominations?
Star Trek episode Operation Annihilate Earth Colony Deneb has been infested with alien organisms which resemble fake plastic vomit that can you buy in a joke shop. Kirk, Spock and and landing crew stun one of the organism which falls to the floor. One of the away team members Comments "It doesn't look real " :D
Not a tv series but a movie. Just watch Predators and there's a couple of lines that (normally) excellent Laurence Fishbourne has to deliver.

"They bring it (prey) in, hunt it and kill it. In that order" What other order is there? You mean they don't kill it then hunt it?

Also when asked how many Predators he has killed - "I've killed two... maybe three; I can't remember" Well when you've killed that many, it's hard to keep count.
Spock's line that featured redundancy that he simply would never utter. It was also used on my all time favorite birthday card. The outside showed a cake with very many candles none of which were lit. The question was asked, what would happen if all those candles were lit?

Inside, Nimoy's voice answered, "Annihilation. Total complete, absolute annihilation." :LOL: Sorry, I cannot recall which episode. But it also had the dumbest spaceship: one that obviously was part of an amusement park ride.
Spock's line that featured redundancy that he simply would never utter. It was also used on my all time favorite birthday card. The outside showed a cake with very many candles none of which were lit. The question was asked, what would happen if all those candles were lit?

Inside, Nimoy's voice answered, "Annihilation. Total complete, absolute annihilation." :LOL: Sorry, I cannot recall which episode. But it also had the dumbest spaceship: one that obviously was part of an amusement park ride.

The Alternative Factor

Not in the series, but rather, THE WRATH OF KHAN: "The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few." WTF!? You will die, either way! you can die with your crew, or for your crew. :unsure: Almost sure Nimoy uttered a similar line in a TRANSFORMERS movie.
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Not in the series, but rather, THE WRATH OF KHAN: "The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few." WTF!? You will die, either way! you can die with your crew, or for your crew. :unsure: Almost sure Nimoy uttered a similar line in a TRANSFORMERS movie.

Wrath of Khan after Khans attack spoke looking at the damage. Spock " They knew exactly where to hit us"
Spock's line that featured redundancy that he simply would never utter. It was also used on my all time favorite birthday card. The outside showed a cake with very many candles none of which were lit. The question was asked, what would happen if all those candles were lit?

Inside, Nimoy's voice answered, "Annihilation. Total complete, absolute annihilation." :LOL: Sorry, I cannot recall which episode. But it also had the dumbest spaceship: one that obviously was part of an amusement park ride.

I've seen that birthday card! I think we sent it to one of my uncle's :LOL: .
:unsure: Almost sure Nimoy uttered a similar line in a TRANSFORMERS movie.

Yup, Transformers: Dark of the Moon. "The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many." They reversed the order of the original quote.
I think in just about every 1950's sci fi about UFO landings there was always somebody who'd ask "But what's a meteor Professor?". Then our pipe smoking hero would give the thirty seconds explanation.

Educating your audience!
"Biddi-biddi-biddi-biddi-biddi-biddi-biddi-biddi-biddi-biddi-biddi-biddi" Buck Rogers In The 25th Century, every week by TWIKI, (and once, "Booty-booty-something-from-the-bar" by a barmaid robotic friend, to which he replied "Biddi-biddi-biddi-biddi-hold-the-phone".)

Twiki speak was by far the most annoying aspect of Buck Rodgers ! :mad:
I think in just about every 1950's sci fi about UFO landings there was always somebody who'd ask "But what's a meteor Professor?". Then our pipe smoking hero would give the thirty seconds explanation.

Educating your audience!

And the godawful melodrama on top of it.:eek:
I've seen that birthday card! I think we sent it to one of my uncle's :LOL: .

Yup, Transformers: Dark of the Moon. "The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many." They reversed the order of the original quote.

They drew inspiration for The Wrath Khan with that one.:unsure::D
Twiki speak was by far the most annoying aspect of Buck Rodgers ! :mad:
A desperate weak attempt to come up with an R2D2 analog. Mel Blanc's worse role probably.

My nominee for worst line in a sci-fi show-any Star Trek where we hear Klingon spoken--especially an episode of The Next Generation where a Romulan calls Worf some gibberish like "get that patack(?) out of here!" and Riker says "your knowledge of klingon insults is impressive but only a raoul(?) would say that."

A desperate weak attempt to come up with an R2D2 analog. Mel Blanc's worse role probably.
If thye had only eliminated the Bzy Bzy Bzy crap and gave him more dialogue , that would have be okay.

My nominee for worst line in a sci-fi show-any Star Trek where we hear Klingon spoken--especially an episode of The Next Generation where a Romulan calls Worf some gibberish like "get that patack(?) out of here!" and Riker says "your knowledge of klingon insults is impressive but only a raoul(?) would say that."


Yep , not. one of Will Riker's snappier comebacks. :D
You see, if you take any progressive series it can be converted into binary notation. If you take the sum of the integrants, and express the result as a power series, then the indices show the basic binary blocks. Only I wouldn't do it if I were you. Oh no, I really wouldn't do it!
- Doctor Who, "The Tomb of the Cybermen"

Those odd, wet thumping noises you're hearing right now are the sound of every single mathematically-inclined audience member smashing their forehead against the nearest hard surface.
There's a terrible European horror film called The Naked Werewolf Woman, which was once shown on Channel 4 as part of a run of tacky Euro-horror. I watched it with a friend and several beers. At one point, a madwoman tries to seduce her doctor so that she can escape from an asylum.

Madwoman: "Don't you like my legs, doctor? My breasts?"
Doctor: "Legs, breasts, they're all the same to a doctor."

At which point my friend observed "He's not a very good doctor if he can't tell a leg from a breast." I can't remember the rest of the film as I was laughing too hard to watch it.
This partly takes this a bit off topic but in the film 2012 there is line just boggles my mind when I hear it

"The neutrinos coming from the Sun Have Mutated ":oops:
