You most absolutely should and would benefit from reading these books to gain a perspective opposite but just as valid as your own. In any case, all literature is aiming for clarity and understanding of the existence, so if you dive into books with this perspective, you soon go mad with choices. At that point, you'll probably want to narrow your scope for your sanity. However, I do think that there's a ton of published, both self and traditional, material that's utter garbage and is only sold because it appeals to peoples wants and fears. Inclusivity and magical thinking are easy to sell if that's the foundation of people's orientation. Inclusivity is more instinctual though and should be promoted, but what sells, ironically, promotes individualism and promises of financial prosperity for everyone. The global economic system is set up to promote truth because it damages this message.
Too long, didn't read?
In short, you definitely should read novels that have stood the test of time.