Thought I would read John Scalzi's "Old Mans War" series after all the fuss about it, so I got all six books in a fairly cheap bundle from Amazon.
First two were good military sf, "Old Man's War" & " The Ghost Brigades", not a universe I'd like to live in but interesting just the same, the third "The Last Colony" was more political and did drag a bit here and there but finished really well, someone said it had a rather bumpy plot to which I must agree, so I gave four stars for the first two and three for the third.
However now we come to volume four "Zoe's Tale", my advise about this is AVOID THIS ONE LIKE THE PLAGUE AND RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!
What the hell was Scalzi thinking when he wrote this piece of drek, basically it's the third novel repeated all over again so no surprises at all, but through the eyes of a very annoying and boring teenager who has equally annoying and boring teenage friends, this is completely out of synch with the previous books and should not be sold as part of the series, but it wouldn't really work as a stand alone either!
There is nothing really new for the first 80% and what there is after isn't really worth reading unless your an absolute fanatic about the series, which I most definitely am not, this is really a Young Adult book in the middle of an adult series, plus it's very, very boring, the whole thing was mostly one big yawn, I gave up after ten pages and just skipped through to the end.
I hope the remaining two volumes are a hell of a lot better then this pile of rubbish!
P.S. In the first book there is a scene which came close to ruining the book for me, the aliens he was fighting were just so idiotically ridiculous and made absolutely no sense at all, why the editor left this in I have no idea, you'll know what I mean if you read the book, but apart from this stupid silliness it was quite a good read!