Getting worse one day at a time
When and where I least expect it and often at the most inopportune of moments.
When I'm in that transition period between waking and sleeping, and if I don't write ideas own, they're lost.I don't know if someone has asked a question like this before but here it is: Where do you like to think about what you're writing? I'm not asking where you do the writing itself. I'm wondering where is the place that you like to zone out and let your mind build something before putting it on paper? For me it's when I'm outside walking my dogs. Some of my best narrative ideas have come to me while out with them amidst the loveliness of the world. I've found the best environment for imagining battle scenes is walking my dogs at night underneath the warm glow of the street lamps.
What locations work for you?
I used too, but I always forgot or couldn't be bothered to transcribe the recordings. At best I'd listen to them and cherry pick the few snippets I though worth while. If anything it was a filter to get rid of the crap.Is there anyone who uses a dictaphone (I guess there are apps on mobiles nowadays). Never used one myself, I always grab for the pen and paper.
This seems to be a common theme of this thread.Unfortunately none of these scenarios are great for making notes of said ideas...
Yes. I find it particularly bad for poetry. A whole poem can come to me on a walk, and then I have to recite it to myself over and over like a madwoman for the hour (or however long) until I get home.This seems to be a common theme of this thread.