A dystopian apocalyptic A 1974 science Fiction film produced by John Boorman and staring Sean Connery and Charlotte Rampling which didn't do well at the box office and did score well with the critics . Connery plays Zed who, is a member of group called the Exterminators , they are few , but stronger ,faster and smarter than n the main group of human known as the Brutal's . They who are regular human being who have reverted to savagery. Zed and brethren's purpose as prescribed to them by their God Zardoz which a flying head that periodically shows up, gives them weapons, ammunition and encourage them in their drive to keep the Brutals in check. On day while he was exploring a ruined library chaining after shadowy mysterious figure after finding the book The Wizard of OZ (which he was intended to find ) , through this book , he deduces and leans that Zardoz isn't a god at all. L Frank Baum's book book tipped him off to this . So, he decides to stow away abroad the flying head and, ultimately finds himself in the enclave of the Eternals who , are humans from the time before civilization collapsed, they are of the same stock as the brutal but, have achieved immortality thanks an all powerful computer known as the Tabernacle which, contains the sum of all human knowledge. It also guides their existence and won't let them die. The problem for theses Eternals is that they they've grown weary of of their eternal life and want it end. Their enclave is not accessible because of the Tabernacles defenses , so Zed and his people and the Brutals cannot get at them . Zed now a slave learns that he and his kind were created by members of the Eternals for the expressed purpose of bringing about the the destruction of the Tabernacle and the end of them . Zed finds a way to destroy the tabernacle which frees the Eternals but, he's changed by his time among them and , he no longer has the desire to kill them or anyone else for that matter The head Zardoz crashes down and Zed's people come in and finish off no longer immortal eternals save one, played by Rampling who Zed fell in love with , saves and takes with him . The two of them go off and hid from the other Exterminators and , take up residence in the crashed head of Zardoz. They have a son live a life and die of old age,
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What are your thoughts on this movie good or bad , classic or no ?