September Reading Discussion.

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At the moment I'm reading The Department of Sensitive Crimes, by Alexander McCall Smith. He's an author I've been meaning to sample for quite some time.
john conroe blood drawn -good read. actually ever since the begginning of the series the writer suprised me with a new angle and ways of thinking that i approve. honestly in many books tha caracters seem to only use their brains in the last page.
Nophek Gloss by Essa Hansen

Caiden's planet is destroyed. His family gone. And, his only hope for survival is a crew of misfit aliens and a mysterious ship that seems to have a soul and a universe of its own. Together they will show him that the universe is much bigger, much more advanced, and much more mysterious than Caiden had ever imagined. But the universe hides dangers as well, and soon Caiden has his own plans.

He vows to do anything it takes to get revenge on the slavers who murdered his people and took away his home. To destroy their regime, he must infiltrate and dismantle them from the inside, or die trying.

Update: I've read a couple of chapters now, this looks likely to be a bit too YA for me.. we will see
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Frank Waters "The Man Who Killed the Deer"
A re-read. Still a remarkable book, about the interface between Pueblo and Western cultures. I hear little mention of Frank Waters these days, perhaps because his work is set in the south-western USA, but he was nominated for the Nobel prize five times and was a local legend in his lifetime.
dawn of a nazi moon by douglas mckinnon - i'm in a bind about what to say about the book. for any one that saw iron sky... it's like that but without the humor. is it impossible?no... is it plausible? well... the science is, the considerations presented are.... the enemy... i guess is not completely out of the camp of possibilities
At the moment I'm reading The Department of Sensitive Crimes, by Alexander McCall Smith. He's an author I've been meaning to sample for quite some time.
I've read nearly all of his No1 Ladies' Detective Agency. Didn't get on with his one set in Edinburgh. Hadn't heard of the one you are mentioning, must go look.

I've just done a re-read of the first three Bobiverse books by Dennis E Taylor and really enjoyed them again - though at times the number of Bobs makes my eyes cross. Just reading Heaven's River for the first time and enjoying that too.
I've read nearly all of his No1 Ladies' Detective Agency. Didn't get on with his one set in Edinburgh. Hadn't heard of the one you are mentioning, must go look.

I've just done a re-read of the first three Bobiverse books by Dennis E Taylor and really enjoyed them again - though at times the number of Bobs makes my eyes cross. Just reading Heaven's River for the first time and enjoying that too.
i got tired of them
a terrible fall of angels - new series - laurell hamilton. i guess i'm just going to stick with anita. this one just didn't do it for me.
I've just done a re-read of the first three Bobiverse books by Dennis E Taylor and really enjoyed them again - though at times the number of Bobs makes my eyes cross. Just reading Heaven's River for the first time and enjoying that too.
I gave up on Heaven's River for that reason, too many Bobs.
So many I was getting hopelessly confused
I've had a few moments where I've had to backtrack to the start of the chapter to read which Bob it is - given there can be a certain similarity of character...... I think they'd be improved by having the current Bob's name in the heading on each page of the chapter that is related to that Bob - so not Denis E Taylor and Heaven's River in the headings but "Will" and "Garfield" and the like. But I am past half way and really settled into the whole exploration of Heaven's River - and the twist I was expecting didn't happen. The multi-Bob politics that built up earlier was the more eye crossing part of it.
Agree. Heaven's River would best be left as the last of the Bobiverse.
I'm on a crime thriller today
The Resident by Peter Jackson

(There's a psycho hiding in an unsuspecting family's attic)
I'm on a crime thriller today
The Resident by Peter Jackson

(There's a psycho hiding in an unsuspecting family's attic)
oh? i thought they were always under the bed or in the closet... white devil by paul hoffman is out
Agree. Heaven's River would best be left as the last of the Bobiverse.
I think there is room for short stories or novellas, featuring one Bob or at most two Bobs at a time. Barbara Hambly has been writing a couple of what she calls "further adventures" each year, giving updates on the lives of characters from her three fantasy series plus the vampire series, while these days she is mostly writing her Benjamin January books and historical novelisations like "The Emancipator's Wife" about Mrs President Lincoln. I really like Barbara Hambly's shorts - and with self pub and ebooks they can now be done relatively easily by authors. Same goes with Jodi Taylor's series - in fact the publishers now require her to write a mid-summer and Christmas short which are often fun little stories which would never have made it as a full book.
i don't know if i continue with the desert prince or try paul hoffman the white devil or king bullet
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