Most beautiful looking Sci-fi Fantasy movies?

The Matrix, for storytelling and I loved the green filter to give it a different feel. The first one only, the next two movies are ok but not greats.
Bit of a controversial choice, considering it was a bad movie, but Jupiter Ascending was actually very beautifully made. Great designs.
Anything with costume designs by Eiko Ishioka. Seriously. If her name is on the credits it's worth watching.
Ah, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. Takes me back to my teen years when I'd drool over her poster and imagine that I'd, ah, ... remain a member of Chrons. Cough. :rolleyes:
No matter the role , A damned good actress too,
The Cell (the parts where JLo visits the comatose killer's brain), and The Fall. And most others by Tarsem Singh. Trust a former music video director to come up with striking visuals.
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
Song of the Sea
Corpse Bride

2001: A Space Odyssey
Mr. Nobody
Dark City
Jurassic World
Guardians of the Galaxy 1 & 2
If Disney, Sony, or Warner Brothers produces Batman Beyond Neo live action movie or Spiderman 2099 live action movie which past science fiction movie would serve as the perfect background to either comic book idea?
