Science Fiction Book covers

It was seeing that Foundation trilogy set of covers that made me start this thread. So many wonderful and weird covers, i knew that many of you guys would have more than a passing interest too.
Is that cover of The October Country by Charles Addams?
I've always liked the dynamic covers that Ron Turner used to do back in the day.

His art took the 1930s pulp covers , turned down the sex (he was working for UK publishers in the 1950s here) and turned up everything else to eleven - or sometimes twelve. I only have a few books with his covers and they are all pretty terrible. But who wouldn't want to read something written by someone called 'Volsted Gridban'? (A pseudonym used by John Russell Fearn and E C Tubb).
The cover of the book I'm reading, a Penguin classic. Its a saucer of milk that's turned apart from one area.
View attachment 83348

Pedantic collector of pre ISBN Penguins that I am (546 main series and a couple of hundred others from their ancillary imprints like Puffin, Pelican and Peacock - including the much overlooked masterwork Sale of Goods and Hire-Purchases by R Lowe - Penguin Education X19) I just want to point out that that's not a Penguin Classic. It's a classic Penguin right enough but Penguin Classics had a very different cover style and a different numbering series (prefixed with L) - what you've got there is the August 1963 Penguin first publication No 1985 with cover illustration by John Griffiths.... (And I need to get out more, don't I?)
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I must confess that i am a shallow person and will judge a book by it's cover. Artifact Space was one that i bought because i liked the cover. (Well, that and the fact that Vince also enjoyed it.)
Artifact Space by Miles Cameron.jpg

The ship on the cover (the Athens) reminded me of a Lighthugger from Alistair Reynolds Revelation Space books.

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