Live SFF storytelling

One little detail that has been a problem for me (and I do spot it in the Third Prophecy) and that is dropping the odd word, saying it too soft or fast or both. I have a YouTube channel (rather neglected) on armies in Antiquity and how they functioned. I do the voiceover and dropping words is the devil.
dropping the odd word
Thanks, (it) seems like an unconscious thing (we do) -will keep an ear out (for missed words). Fair play to you for taking on The Prophecy, it's the mirror opposite of hard SF! My search skills are low, do you have a link to the YouTube channel?
Finally got to do some proper(ish) live SF. I'd been getting a bit disillusioned with the creative thing -the live stuff is all comedy, which is grand but the gags/ action are only the surface level of a story. Maybe that's just an uppity writing thing in my head but it feels a bit flat, as if the main event is being missed. Anyways, finished work earlier the other day and spotted a sign for open mic storytelling. I'd nothing ready, but nothing to lose either so gave it a shot -the only catch was that they were supposed to be real stories that happened to you so I'd to let on I was a starship commander during lockdown. It went as well as could be expected. In reference to another thread about 'youngsters' the crowd were all young but were well into storytelling, and actively trying to revive the art of live storytelling. Don't thing my oldy style words mad a bit of difference. Though the SF thing probably did, still -no heckles or insults. Live storytelling is alive and well, and in good hands (y)

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