I picked up The Nirvana Blues by John Nichols. It’s like Kerouac, but longer. Basically it just has more detail, a whole lotta pulp that makes a writer almost “snotty”, but I really love a lot of detail when I’m reading. With Kerouac, a nice short book that is the precursor to a long and beautiful beatnik classic… it’s hard to keep me interested because it’s not an ABSOLUTE epic, such as Malazan, or the Wheel of Time.
Meanwhile, The Nirvana Blues keeps my attention with it’s avid attention to detail that keeps me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what it’s about. Actually, it’s kind of a reverse Ulysses- a man (a beatnik rambling across America, and cheating on his wife, basically.) it’s actually the sequel to The Milagro Beanfield War, but I’ll make peace with reading the sequel first, like I did with Lodestar.