Revolution, 180 or 360?
What is honour to an anarchist?
Does he want it? Would accepting it be resurrecting the system?
I destroyed the regime on Xantris, but I died in the process.
I overturned the system. Now the people are starving and leaderless.
Don’t honour me, I screwed up. The graffiti around the portals calls me ‘hero’.
They built a statue to honour me, wasted stone.
They will choose a new and 'honourable' leader soon. He will dictate.
What is honour to an anarchist?
Does he want it? Would accepting it be resurrecting the system?
I destroyed the regime on Xantris, but I died in the process.
I overturned the system. Now the people are starving and leaderless.
Don’t honour me, I screwed up. The graffiti around the portals calls me ‘hero’.
They built a statue to honour me, wasted stone.
They will choose a new and 'honourable' leader soon. He will dictate.