Things I learned today...
The standard advice is, when airbrushing, always keep the lid on the fluid cup. I found leaving the lid off made no difference so never bothered following this advice. Today, doing a little airbrushing, the hose became caught so I gave it a little tug. End result: paint hand, all over the airbrush and work surface and none on the model. Had to clean up and start all over. It took so long to do that the remaining paint had dried and blocked the nozzle - complete pain in the arse to put right....I find a 0.009 guitar string is perfect for reaming out a blocked nozzle.
From now on, I will always put the lid back on the cup.
In other news.
Good: Chitose is on its way from Japan and should arrive on Monday.
Bad: I have to sign for it but will be away for most of that day (got to take my mum to get her disabled badge renewed).
I thought it rather odd that I have to sign for something that cost less than a tenner (with the shipping being almost £19).
Good: Got an email from DHL saying if I didn't want to sign for it, then fill in the form and tell them where to leave it.
Well done DHL! Normally I don't have many good things to say about a carrier but, in this case, I'll make an exception. I think it's a great idea to give the customer this choice (of course, I did have to tick a box absolving them of any blame should the parcel go missing).
And finally, if, like me, you are a very sad person then you might find these pages of interest.
I've been looking up info on Chitose and here is her operational history (before she was converted to a light aircraft carrier in 1944)
Here's another page of some of the discovered wrecks of the Imperial Japanese Navy (including Kaga and Akagi, sunk at Midway)