@Ashleyne. Nicely done.
My own story came about through the convergence of two things. I had the idea that I wanted to do a story of someone intending to do something for the last time, but could not. When I was thinking about this I realized that this is really pretty much my own story. I've fought my weight for my whole life. I did the Atkins Diet, twice. I also spent a summer running and eating mostly meat and salads. I joined Weight Watchers. I went for Hypno-therapy. And then I had a lap-band installed. I lost weight on every one of them. Usually around 40 pounds, and I always put the weight back on and then some. The lap band I had about 10 years ago was by far the most successful. In the end I lost about 90-120 pounds (depends on when you count I started because in preparation for the surgery you begin a diet.) I've gained about half of that back, proving that it too is no "easy" fix. In all of those attempts, I've tried more times than I could count to give up a certain food. I'd eat and say something like "That's the last cookie I'll ever eat." And of course, since I didn't die; it wasn't. I have all of the signs of being addicted to food. (so
@Victoria Silverwolf had the story pegged right on.) But I was most happy when I remembered a part of Robert Heinlein's book "Between Planets" when the main character is treated to a fancy restaurant meal on Venus and finds that he's eating a baby moveover and feels like a cannibal. (I'd be interested in knowing if anyone caught that reference.)