Okay you lot! Why do we have to have a third of the entries on the last day? I may have to do this in two swings.
@Axovan Sol .... Never United ,,,, A. Sol explores what binds people together and how circumstances can tear them apart.
@The Judge .... The Shirt On Your Back .... As if we didn't have enough to worry about; The Judge goes and delivers a whole new category of things we didn't want to know about and sure don't want to experience..
@Perpetual Man .... Beneath The Surface .... P. M. writes us a subtle tale which reminds us that there is more to any condition than what meets the eye.
@Luiglin .... There is a spirit here that won't be broken .... Luiglin strikes a realistic and somber note to the human capacity to hope.
@Ursa major .... What a Mother Knows .... U. M. brings us to one of the eternal problems mother's have when dealing with their offspring.
@Elckerlyc .... There is more to laundry than meets the eye .... Elckerlyc writes a mystery which keeps getting more and more unusual.
@Jo Zebedee .... THE JENNIES .... J. Z. provides us a whole new mythology which is deep and dark, whose telling seems to bring it into being.
@Phyrebrat .... The Menace of Closure .... Phyrebrat writes a dark lyrical ode to another world and another ending.
@Swank .... Recombinant .... Swank weaves together an intriging spy narrative with just enough connection to the real world to make it terrifying.