Variations on #4. And before I ever finished my first novel, my relatives were always asking me #6.
Then when I did finish it and sell it to a publisher, within weeks of my selling it the same family members would ask, "Where can I buy it?" And then when it was finally released, "I've been looking for it everywhere ,but I can't find it." ("Um, have you tried . . . a bookstore?" "Oh. OK, I will try that.") I assume they were looking at the book racks in grocery stores and drug stores and department stores—at least I hope they didn't expect to find the book in garden centers or on their own front lawns. But it did surprise me at first that people who were actively looking for a book wouldn't immediately think of going to a bookshop, since in those days bricks-and-mortar bookstores were practically everywhere. At least they were in the area where we lived.