Series/movies like Stargate SG:1


200 words a day = 1 novel/year
Mar 27, 2020
The inevitable but unthinkable has happened: I've run out of Stargate SG:1 . What could I watch that has a similar mix of humor, action and ethical and philosophical conundruming?
I haven't watched much of SG1. But if you are looking for something with all the elements you mention, you cannot go far wrong with Quantum Leap.
All the above mentioned already are great suggestions, and while it sounds condescending to say this, Stargate: Atlantis is a really good substitute, and even Stargate: Universe got better before it got cancelled. Of course, Star Trek may not be your thing, and I guess you already watched TNG, but try out Picard, and avoid Discovery. However, I think people may be tempted to just throw out more space based TV shows at you, while you did specifically ask for this:
a similar mix of humor, action and ethical and philosophical conundruming?
So, I have several slightly more off-beat suggestions that have a smaller team, who joke around more, and have more philosophical conundrums to deal with --
Warehouse 13 - A mix of adventure, mystery, and comedy, with elements of X-Files, Fringe, Moonlighting, The Librarian, 24, and Unsolved Mysteries.
Sliders - A group of travelers use a wormhole to "slide" between slightly different parallel universes as they try to find their way back to their own.
Have you seen Dark Matter? Warning though, it ends abruptly with over 9000 threads open.

Or Killjoys which almost had a crossover with Dark Matter.

In the third season there was also talk of a Dark Matter/ Stargate Crossover.
Stargate: Atlantis is a really good substitute, and even Stargate: Universe got better before it got cancelled.
Though out of the two Atlantis is closer to the feel of SG1 than Universe, which is why some Stargate fans didn't like Universe.
All the above mentioned already are great suggestions, and while it sounds condescending to say this, Stargate: Atlantis is a really good substitute, and even Stargate: Universe got better before it got cancelled. Of course, Star Trek may not be your thing, and I guess you already watched TNG, but try out Picard, and avoid Discovery. However, I think people may be tempted to just throw out more space based TV shows at you, while you did specifically ask for this:

So, I have several slightly more off-beat suggestions that have a smaller team, who joke around more, and have more philosophical conundrums to deal with --
Warehouse 13 - A mix of adventure, mystery, and comedy, with elements of X-Files, Fringe, Moonlighting, The Librarian, 24, and Unsolved Mysteries.
Sliders - A group of travelers use a wormhole to "slide" between slightly different parallel universes as they try to find their way back to their own.
Love Warehouse 13! Will look into Sliders.

I'll give Atlantis a try.

My relationship w. Stargate has been circuitous. I think I saw the movie first and didn't think much of it. I had broadcast TV for the longest time, and didn't watch much, and I'd seen a few episodes of SG-1 and some of the other series. I liked SG-1 more than the others. I have a recollection that I didn't like something with McKay, which might be Atlantis or Universe. Then I found SG-1 on Prime, skimmed a few episodes in the middle, got hooked, started from the begining and binged it all, skipping very few episodes (maybe 7 or so)

I have a hard time adjusting even to cast changes. It took me a while to get used to Jack being replaced by "Bounty Hunter Mitch" and I never got used to Teal'c with hair, and I never got used to him looking a bit fuller in the face in the later episodes. Which is why I'm not so keen on Atlantis.

What I find notable is that people here came up with a list of series that I have seen and LOVED, so there is something here by way of themes and writing that resonates in common. This encourages me to try the series suggested.
Eureka? A secret town run by the government/huge corporation full of Geniuses. An experiment always get out of control and the local Police Chief has to fix things...
Going old school,. but hjave you considered watching Babylon 5? Personally, it's myfavourite Science Fiction experience.

I just took delivery of the Blu-Ray release and a rewatch beckons.
Seen most of the above. Personally my preference is for Warehouse 13 & Eureka.
Both are very earthbound - with silly plots. However I'll go with their likable casts.
Going old school,. but hjave you considered watching Babylon 5? Personally, it's myfavourite Science Fiction experience.

I just took delivery of the Blu-Ray release and a rewatch beckons.
Still the best science fiction show of all time , epic stuff.:cool:
Haven't heard of Peacekeeper.
It wraps up the whole Farscape series after it was cancelled

In September 2002, the Sci-Fi Channel (then-owned by Vivendi Universal) opted to withdraw its funding of the fifth season, canceling the show, just before the first half of the fourth season finished airing. The Sci-Fi Channel concluded that the series was too expensive to renew, as ratings had declined during the fourth season.[10] Furthermore, The Jim Henson Company had been acquired by EM.TV & Merchandising AG in 2000 and by 2002 they were experiencing significant financial difficulties.[11] According to the DVD featurette "Save Farscape", Henson, Kemper, and Ben Browder announced the cancellation during an online chat with fans, and within hours fans had mounted a campaign to restore the show or transfer it to another network.[12] Early plans to scrap the sets after production were postponed after news of the cancellation broke, partly as a result of the fan campaign. The sets were put in storage pending a possible future revival of the show.
