Discussion Thread - 300-word Writing Challenge #52 (January 2024)

As per policy: any name mentioned would have to be redacted, so there's no point in mentioning them.
So many great stories this go-round. There's really not a bad one among them.
I've spent more time than I should admit to at work today reading and re-reading the stories to try and narrow them down to a shortlist, much less only three I can give a vote to.
On the shortlist, I failed. Every story is strong and I just couldn't point one out that doesn't belong.
In the end, I voted for the three stories that have stuck with me the most. For that reason my lots were cast for @THX1138, @Victoria Silverwolf, and @The Judge.
This was a tricky vote.

Especially liked:

A Quiet Reprieve from the War by @Culhwch ...for showing that every generation has to find its own way (surprised to see a few war related tales).
Epilogue by @Lacedaemonian ...for the flow of the language.
The Mouse House 2151 by @Parson ...for the world it created.
Mice-en-scene by @Elckerlyc ...a stroke of luck and a nice mice story.
Tableaux by @Ursa major ...groovy.

Ended up voting for:

Baffle by @Rafellin ...Those sneaky mice and their quality worldbuilding.
All in a Mouse's Night by @johnnyjet ...for the old school classic Sci-Fi AI.
Time for Cheese by @M. Robert Gibson ...only the finest.

Thanks all for all the stories, and for the reviews ...good luck all -still an open race I reckon. (y)
Just finished reading all stories; well done, everyone.

The three that grabbed me the most are:
@donrmontgomery Those fancy, schmancy rhyming mice. An enchanting and uplifting tale.

@Luiglin I'm quite stunned at how the writer sourced this story from the image. Wonderful and poignant.

@Elckerlyc I've a soft spot for "Mighty Mouse" from my youth, and this story was like meeting that rodent's extended family. Delightful and touching.
After much deliberation, consideration, reflection and re-reflections the Mousy Squeak Awards have been granted as follows:

Noticeable Squeaks:
@Astro Pen - P-awww
@johnnyjet - All in a Mouse's Night
@The Judge - Mousehole

Earworm Squeaks:
@emrosenagel - Marley's Marvelous, Mystical, Metamorphosizing Menagerie of Mostly Mammals but occasionally reptiles and birds and insects too (Perhaps the longest Title ever in the history of the Challenges?)
@JS Wiig - A Mouse in the House
@Christine Wheelwright - The Taxidermist
I thought it was a really good 300 worder... fine stories all around.

Here are my lists…

Stories I could have voted for:
Yozh, Luiglin, Christine Wheelwright, Elckerlyc, Ursa major

Stories I did vote for:
johnnyjet, Phyrebrat, The Judge

I think my fave this time was johnnyjet's charming entry.

I want to thank Provincial, Peter V and Starbeast for listing my story. I'm very grateful to Stable, Ian Fortytwo and sule for the lovely votes.

Good luck the rest of ther way, all, CC
