Exactly. I make a similar point in the pronunciation guide in the ebooks I am currently preparing for re-issue. I don' t care how people pronounce the names. The guide to pronunciation is only there for readers who find the inclusion of such a thing interesting and/or reassuring. Anyone else can easily ignore it. (There will not be a test!)The author won't drop by anytime soon to sternly correct my unintended maiming of a character's name
I will also point out that ordinary English names are mangled all the time by native English speakers. It happens with my own last name, which is of English origin and pronounced phonetically (unlike many English names of people and places). People drop letters, add in extra letters, stumble over the whole thing. If I went around being annoyed and correcting people who I will probably never meet again-- rather than simply being amused--what a waste of my time that would be!