Lots of people love Tchaikovsky's work, I don't get on with it. Not engaging for me. I think it is a bit lacking in warmth as in the little touches about people. Also slow and wordy as you say.
Currently on Ursula Le Guin Threshold, which is a portal fantasy. Been on the shelf a long time unread. I adored the Wizard of Earthsea books a long time back, think I've read a couple more of hers, or tried to. This one is very well done, but I am struggling to like it. Neither main character has a happy life, and they dislike each other on meeting and yet they have to work together. So it is alternating between their interaction through the threshold, with their separate rather miserable lives back in our world. I am working on finishing it, but am unlikely to ever re-read. It is a shorter, 1980s book. If it was a modern megalith, I'd quit.