House of the Dragon: 2.04 - The Red Dragon and the Gold


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

As Rhaenyra makes sure there is no other way to end this conflict but war, dragons flew, and the dance begun.
IMDB rating: 9.7 Runtime: 55 minutes
My excuse, migraine introduced by my subtenant. He owns me a lot of money, and I'm stressing. And I'm feeling depressed. So much so that I haven't been this down since Viv died.
The rating has remained the same as the count is at 26k at this moment. I don't think it'll come down as the people have liked this episode more than the others. The interesting thing about 9's is that they usually stand out from the crowd. And they are getting common among the streaming services, and HBO is known for its quality. But they also give chances to like Mr Nolan, who can make a much more interesting journey than JJA.

We haven't seen him lately, and Nolan also isn't associated with the product. It's GRRM's team and himself is responsible for writing this episode. So the grand master is still part of the process, even though he's getting old. But it also explains for why George isn't writing the Winters. The last I heard he was past 1200 pages. That's 600 000 words. A lot of prose.

I know since Dave asked for why scored lower than the general audience, and that's because I know GRRM write excessively. His proses are long whereas I tend to like faster pacing. And it's not about epic scenes, either. Any genre writer can create them. He just is more popular and that's all good for him, because we love his world. Even if it's just sometime, a bit unexplainable.

So let's see what made this episode to score high 9's...


Man, straight from the beginning, bravo. It's just you never guessed that Daemon, the cruel prince, is the grandfather for GoT's Dragon Queen Daenearys. She herself came to haunt his dreams, telling him as a ghost of future past that Daemon is on a path to undue her.

"What?" Daemon said as he approached the Iron Throne. "I cannot understand..."

As he moved closer, a small figure wearing the crown stood up and walked down the steps. All while she was speaking the words of Dance of Ice and Fire in High Valerian. Not only she was wearing the Blacks, she was also donning the crown. The one and only that would make her the Queen. But little did Daemon know that before him stood the ghost of future past, looking him in the eye, and telling him: "You created me, Daemon. You are now set on destroying me."

"Stop," Daemon whispered.

The creature, more beautiful than any he'd ever seen before, didn't stop. Instead, the golden haired queen frowned and announced, "All because your brother loved me more than he did you."

It was too much for the Cruel Prince. With a single slice, he chopped her head off and then stared at his work. The ghost was still alive, headless but still defiant as the Queen of Dragons said, "That is what you always wanted..."

Unsure of how she was still alive, Daemon creeped closer. The head moved her eyes, fixated on him and said in common, "A raven came to you..."

It is a short scene, which I'm sure GRRM had devoted more words than I did. But it perfectly encapsulates the beginning, middle and the end, and it also works as a transition back to the real world. A dream scene, which we've talked about often, that actually works! Maybe the problem for those writers is that they devote far more time, when the whole thing should be short and impactful and possibly work as a transition instead of the whole journey.

The message raven carried news about Ser Cole plan advancing as he took two levies from two different castles and joined them in his army. That's probably between 700 and 1500 men. A great deal for one man and his dragon, currently occupying the ancient ruins. Although in the rain the place looked absolutely miserable, and desolate, in the sunlight, it still has so many places that still serves as a function.

To Daemon it is the mustering place, for the Rivermen to ally under his banner. And he meets young Tully, one which become the twisted one to make Red Wedding happen in GoT, tells to the Cruel Prince that the Old Man is still alive. Barely, but alive and he likes to keep the status que. To which Daemon suggests, "Maybe you should aid the ascension with a little pillow action." Just because he clearly could use the men, and he tells that to the young Tully to his face. Only he didn't use the vulgar vocabulary, but he didn't shy on voicing that "House Tully is a fish without a head."

So off went the young prince as the Blackwoods were summoned to the castle. All because the bossman has a dragon. :ROFLMAO:


The laughs didn't stop there as the fun continued with the SeaSnakes, especially with Older Rhaneary coming to docs to thank husband saviour. And in the process finding the commoner to be handsome even though she used the word "beautiful." That didn't sit well with the hubby who promptly stepped into to stop whatever was going to happen next.

That is the problem when you are not a dragon rider, but a sailor, because all the sailor wives might turn to cougars in the waiting. The Older Rhae is definitely one of them, and you know how blond ladies to go to black men. It's the lure of black sausage.

Well, to me that was very strongly applied, because the jealousy came very clearly from Corlys secrecy. He didn't think that his love was strong enough for him to keep the common sailor as a secret, instead of being honoured and raised up in the castle. You see where I'm going with this and her taste for the black men?

Being a wuss Corlys backed out as Rhea turned the talk about her leaving back to DragonStone. Leaving Corlys to handle the business. It didn't sit well, because he knew that the Black Queen was absent. As he asked about it, the Older Rhae replied, "She's trying to keep us all from being drawn into the abyss."

She just made it to small council meeting to hear them roasting the young SeaSnake princess for missing Ser Cole. "You were on a dragon, how could you miss them?" Their maester asked. It only made the old lady to chuckle, as she knew the dragon would not have done BBQing unless commanded.

A missed chance, and because of it the Green Movement is growing. And they only travel by night. For a dragon, that is not a problem but for the rider that is a problem. But the beast tells the signs. So it's really up to the rider to call: "Dracarys!" as the beast will handle the rest of the business.

The small council wasn't happy about Ser Cole army growing in the Crownlands. So much so that when Corlys finally appeared to stand besides the Princess she had to announced clearly that the Black Queen was seeking: "An end to this conflict."


The sin and the doubt. The Grand Maester and the Green Queen. The sin part come from her asking him to deliver the special tea for abortion, not that I'm against it, but it is to hide and make sure Ser Cole's offsprings doesn't happen. But the doubt came to her about putting Aegon on throne and as she asked about if the ascension was rightful, Maester announced his doubts. In secrecy.

But that is the thing. The whole drama her father machinated instead of accepting Black Queen ascension to the Iron Throne. He also indirectely admitted to the whole plot, which is why we have Aegon II on the throne. It is also notify for why we write the Last Wills. But that obviously hasn't happened and hence the whole seven kingdoms are in the turmoil.

The black queen would've been a better, wiser ruler than Aegon II.

Now people are dead and there's no turning back.


Ser Cole and his Host, making the House Darklyn to bend knee and join their side, because there's a "Whore" sitting on "Dragonstone." Can you imagine doing that? Bending a knee against your ruler, the one who you fought on your mind and then now to be asked to just taken the boy king Aegon as "Your Ruler." It would eat my guts and only inspire me to do wicked things, while inside. And yet, Ser Cole is trusting that his word is good enough.

People in Westeros have brains. There's no doubt it but the show also shows that the otherside isn't dancing on the roses, either. Even Aegon though that was the game as he raved to the Small Council and the new Master of Whispers about losing Harrenhall. "That castle is more crippled than I am, My Grace," was Larys' answer.

That man is now more than one castle man, as Larys now holds all the secrets in the Seven Kingdom, allegedly. He's more powerful than being the owner of Harrenhall. And all his power is in those secrets.

Not that he was going announce such a thing as Aemond revealed Cole's plan on cutting DragonStone with a small castle takeover. That didn't sit well with the boykind as he demanded Cole to take back Harrenhall. The move is brilliant because it cuts off Rooks Crest belonging to "Lord Stanton sitting on Rhanyeara's Council."

When Aegon raved about it, Aemond replied in kind in High Valerian and the king couldn't even properly reply. So that the puppet lost his power and Aemond became the Master of War. Not that there are such titles in Westeros. If Cole can get a sucessful move, Daemon is isolated in the Harrenhall, a short flight away from the Red Keep.

After the meeting Larys went to see the Green Queen and figured out consumed tea on the table meaning, before he admitted that sins are what keep the mortal. Almost as if he liked himself as a deity. Then he told her about it was better that Aegon now sit on the throne even though he knew about Vizerys wishes. They all died with the man.


"Harrenhall is a cursed place." That's what Alys Rivers told to the Cruel Prince after he stalked around the castle with a sword in his hand, to only see him as a ghost of Aemond. And then she revealed that his bed is made from old Heart Tree, thus connection him to whole another world. The magical side of the Westeros and its Gods. Old and New ones.

To my eyes she's more than a maester and it's only fitting to think her as a witch, because such a dark place deserves a hag or two. She even claimed that she's a barnowl cursed to live in a human form, before she revealed more of seer abilities. As she stated the quarrel with wife for him to be coming to live in a dump and not even sending ravens back, was enough for him to make connection and call him properly as a "witch."

After that acknowledgement he went and downed the drink she offered to put him back on the sleep. So we saw that he couldn't really muster the men from blackwoods, before we were told about the otherside. With Aegon being bored of his wise men and going to complain about it to his mother, the Green Queen to only be told that he's should take his time and do "nothing," effectively making him a puppet.


It might look small but Rook's Crest is a well build keep in a strategic location. Those clearings are intentional and all the ranges should be mentally mapped for the castle archers. And it's protected by a very short flight away from DragonStone. That is what the Black Queen announced when she finally returned from her clandestine meet with the Green Queen. She will either "win it or die!"

And she knew her value, when she offered to go to do the roasting as he act was stolen by the Older Rhae and her battle hardened dragon, Maleys. The Old Queen is going to be a perfect choice, even though the better one would be going out there with full force of dragons and let them all have a go as a show of force. A proper barbaque. And all lizards would be properly fed.

A win-win situation in my mind. And cost effective. Except for the HBO.

The reason is because Aegon decided to take part in the fight. The old lady spoke to her Red Dragon while Aegon II donned the Armour and met with his young Gold One. A two different approachs. All while the Black Queen told the young prince the truth behind the dragon power. A secret she'd been keeping from the heir, the Song of Ice and Fire.

I loved seeing Ser Cole's 1400-1500 strong force getting properly thinned as they advanced towards the wall in proper daylight. The archers knew exactly where they were aiming as they worked as a team. Except with the the long bows you don't rotate the rows, like you do with the blackpowder weapons. It might look cool on the small screen but it's not the proper tactic, because a trained archer can shoot around 5-6 bolts/minute. Maybe more.

The old lady did do proper roasting, while the King arrived in the scene. So as proper rider, the older lady chose to pursue priority target, while it was revealed that Vhagar and Aemond had been waiting in the forest for the occasion. Aemond seeing the Gold One flying on his head, told Vhagar to go back sleep. And the old boy didn't look happy. No roasting for the great one.

Seeing the King joining the party, Ser Cole ordered the man to advance in Aegon's name. So the men turned around and kept going towards the castle despite the danger. What a brilliant madness. :LOL:

I wont spoil the rider matches, because you'll have to see them yourself. But he're the comparions in sizes


Man, Vhagar is a huge lizard.

I agree, but GRRM has made them central pieces for the reason. And to be honest, I am enjoying the series so much so that I'm still writing about it. It's the twists at the end that made me to give 11 score as the episode really satisfied me. It also served as a goodbye to the old lady. Her final acts, even though it seems that Aegon II has survived. But he's going to be stuck to bed for ages and probably going very loopy from maesters potions. Just remember how GoT's Red Keep maester at the end created the Undead Mountain.

That undead mountain fight is still one of my favourites.

Yes, Vhagar is a big boi!

It also reminds me that I got Tully's wrong in my piece, as this happens 200 years before the events of GoT
Daemon sees Rhaenyra in his dream. The younger actress from season 1. Not Dany! Hopefully we don’t have to endure more dream/vision scenes.
The dragon battle was good fun.
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I wonder how The Wall will come back into this season. They made a big deal of that and The Watch in episode 1.

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