
Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2022
Land Locked Ocean Dream

Hosted this year by Provincial and THX1138

The Sekrit Santa challenge is this: You select; 1) a genre; and 2) a subject/precept/theme/etc. We’ll collect these and they are then distributed randomly to participants.

For example; "Phyrebrat wants a weird fiction story where the Moon begins to speak to the population."

If you receive that particular gem, you'd then have to write the story (usually no more than 10k, and anonymously) and PM it to me (THX1138). As I receive them, I will send them out to the recipients. The timeline to write the story is shorter this year, about 6 weeks this time.

Once they have all been received and sent, we’ll post the first 100-500 words and we’ll then guess who wrote what.

There've been some great offerings in the past and it's a really good community event.

Please post your story requests in this thread and you will be matched to your Santa story recipient when everyone has signed up.

1. All stories written are to be at least 500 words as a minimum. Otherwise, there is no constraint to length, and they can be as long a literary journey as your muse wishes to take you.

2. PM your completed work directly to me. THX1138

3. If you wish to get your story, you must write a story.

4. Should your muse prove fickle and abandon you partway through your magnum opus, feel free to deliver whatever you've managed up till then.

5. Guessing paragraphs can be handed in before the full work.

6. Guessing for what story was written by whom will begin as soon as enough samples are turned in.

7. ALL ARE WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE. Just get your request in and participate in your fashion. This is a workshop thread, so all skill levels are welcome. And of course you don't have to enter to guess.

The quicker the requests are in the more writing time there will be..

We are setting a timeline as follows. (shorter this year)

On November 10th, we will send story requests out.
On November 22nd, we will post a reminder on the thread to complete the request you were given.
On December 5th, repeat above post, and friendly PM participants that have not sent in their assigned stories.
On December 11th, post to the thread recipients that have not received a story yet; open to all to give to knowing that the story will be late, and you might get more than one…

Stories will be sent out to their recipients on Dec 19th.

At which point, let the guessing begin!

Please submit your story to me, THX1138, by 19th Dec 2024. If you're done sooner we can start the guessing sooner.

Things to bear in mind:

This used to be very popular but we got a bit fatigued because it seemed to become "who could devise the most outlandish stimulus". Being asked to write a story about a bread factory that takes over the world by sentient central heating radiators might sound entertaining for example but is quite draining to keep motivated about. This is quite a commitment as the stories always seem to be longer than the minimum as we get invested, so please think a little about the person writing your request.

Most of all it's meant to be fun and to improve our writing, so don't worry about writing or receiving Booker Prize type stuff! If you want to get an idea of what the SS is, you can search Sekrit Santa in the workshop forum and find the past ones.

Any takers for this shorter Sekrit Santa challenge?
Well, since I pushed the 'GO' button this time around, seems only fit that I post my story request first!

A Fantasy where the MC is also a Surfer.

A surfing worrier, or a surfing mage, or a surfing thief.... A surfing dragon... What have you!
A story about a rocket of colonists on a months long trip to a distant planet they get closer they begin to pick up communication signals, and something is not quite right.
Two couples play bridge whilst a major emergency is taking place around them.

Or if that is too specific, human meets non-human and falls in love - or something like love...
A few days in and we're off to a good start!
Just to let everyone know, as the requests come in, I have been keeping a separate record of them just in case of the unlikely event (fingers crossed) we have another sever issue.
Two couples play bridge whilst a major emergency is taking place around them.

Or if that is too specific, human meets non-human and falls in love - or something like love...
I'd imagine less people than you think know how to play bridge. I don't have a clue myself.
My parents used to play something which could be similar called Canasta back in the 1950s, I think it involved whiskey, -and shouting in the later stages. :)
I'd imagine less people than you think know how to play bridge. I don't have a clue myself.
My parents used to play something which could be similar called Canasta back in the 1950s, I think it involved whiskey, -and shouting in the later stages. :)
So you're saying the first idea would take too much research? :) OK, any four-handed card game then, even an invented one. Let's call it River Crossing. Two couples play River Crossing whilst a major emergency is taking place around them. Or they could be playing Codewords, or The Dwarves, or Everdell, or Wingspan, if conventional card games aren't cool enough any more.

Or my writer could go with the 'love' story instead.
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I had to look Mills and Boon up. Show'em how it's done, Astro Pen! ;) (with roses...)

As the stories get requested, I start thinking of posable plots and outlines as well as doing some researching. That way I'm ready, just in case. Well, that's the idea anyway.
Last year I had the distinct displeasure of writing something pretty decent for a recipient that neither read nor acknowledged it, let alone thanked anyone.

So don't get into this unless you mean it. It sucks to write a story for literally no one.
Thanks for reminding us of the importance of common curtesy, @Swank.
When you receive your story, a simple posted "Thanks for the story!" goes a long way.
After all, you did and received the same. ;)

With that in mind, we only have a few days to go before we receive our assignments!
So, @AnRoinnUltra. Still up to picking for me and @Provincial, mate? PM me the two names on the 9th, so I can send everything out on the 10th.
Very sorry Swank, not good at all and thanks for the reminder.

Just as an FYI. Next year, if I'm still hosting this thread, we will start on Oct 1st and deliver finished requested stories on Dec 5th. That way, I will have more time to haunt you! :eek:

Really, give it a go. :)
Last year I had the distinct displeasure of writing something pretty decent for a recipient that neither read nor acknowledged it, let alone thanked anyone.

So don't get into this unless you mean it. It sucks to write a story for literally no one.

If you remember, at least one person acknowledged your story - me. I read your story after you had allowed others to see it, and sent you PMs about it on February 12th this year. I hope that lessened the sting a little.

The story was better than 'pretty decent', it was damn good. It could have been extended into a full length novel, one which I would happily have paid full price for. I don't know why the intended recipient didn't respond or read it, but it was their loss. However, if I recall correctly, there was a bit of confusion at the last moment about who had received and submitted stories. Perhaps it got lost in the mix-up.

Please, everybody, remember that you are making a commitment, both to write and to read these stories, when you join in with Sekrit Santa. You really MUST write a story, be it good or poor, short or long, and then send it to THX in good time. It is only fair, if you expect to receive one in return. But equally, it is only good manners to acknowledge receipt of the story sent to you and to say thanks. If you want to say more you can send a PM to THX, who can then forward it to the author on your behalf. You will find out who they are during the guessing game!
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Last year I had the distinct displeasure of writing something pretty decent for a recipient that neither read nor acknowledged it, let alone thanked anyone.

So don't get into this unless you mean it. It sucks to write a story for literally no one.
This also happened to me a few years back. I was more irritated by the bad manners than upset. Luckily I have several outlets for my stories so it saw the light of day any way. :) The bottom line is that you retain copyright so if you have written something you are proud of you can give it a future independently.
How many entries do we have? Have we reached critical mass or damp squib levels?

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