Your top Five favorite FANTASY writers ?

JRR Tolkien
Robert Howard
Robin Hobb
CS Lewis
David Gemmel

Those are the only ones I put on a "best list" because the rest of what I've read I wouldn't recommend to others. Even the last two are kind of iffy. Lewis's Chronicles are more for children so I wouldn't recommend them to adults. David Gemmel is decent, maybe a little more, and although widely loved by other readers, they didn't grab me as deeply. So far I've only read the first six Drenai Tales so maybe I should give him more shots. There is a lot I have not yet read but plan to. Tad WIlliams, Brent Weeks, Raymond Feist, Janny Wurts, Fritz Lieber, George RR Martin, Brandon Sanderson, and others are still on my to-read shelf so I may have some adds to the list. I'm waiting for Martin to finish his series before I start it because I don't want to have to re-read the books to refresh myself when each one comes out. And Robert Jordan.... He was great, really great for the first six books of Wheel of Time. The rest of that series really went downhill in a big way so I can't include him on the list. Jim Butcher's Codex Alera gets an honourable mention. I liked the first three or four of the six books but I found the ending plot arc tiresome after a bit. Had some trouble finishing that series.
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Fritz Leiber (not necessarily for the Fahfrd & Grey Mouser stories)
Jonathan Carroll
Lord Dunsany (though I should get to his longer works)
Caitlin R. Kiernan
In approximately the order in which I discovered/was introduced to them:
JRR Tolkien
Michael Moorcock
Robert E Howard (which because of Conan also includes L Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter, so a little bit of cheating ;) )
Terry Pratchett
Edgar Rice Burroughs

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