The Queen's Necklace - Teresa Edgerton

Maybe if the book had stayed in print long enough -- or if they had gone ahead with the mass market edition -- more people might have agreed with you, Michael.

I do hear from people who loved the book, but most of them didn't discover it until it was long OP.

I think I put more time and effort into that book than anything else I've ever written (although some of the characters -- particularly Raith -- just wrote themselves). But I enjoyed the writing and researching, and a lot of people have enjoyed reading it, and I don't regret any of it. Nor do I blame my publishers, really. The timing was just off.
Why do I get the feeling that a magical glass knife might possibly do something other than kill a person who is stabbed with it?
Not magical (although, to me, glass is inherently magical) but according to what I've read the hilt breaks off in your hand and the blade stays inside. The victim cries out, falls, and you've disappeared into the crowd before anyone realizes they haven't just stumbled, they've been stabbed. Meanwhile, extracting the blade is likely to be a messy and futile business. I don't know if it would really work that way, but I liked the idea, and it seemed like the kind of thing Valentine Solange would keep on hand.

Also, salts are necessary for the production of glass, so symbolically it seemed right.
Sorry to revive an old thread, but tis only a wee question...

Teresa, how do you (and me!) pronounce the name of the raven? And also 'Ys.' Cos I've been saying Iss.
Yes, you're pronouncing Ys absolutely correctly.

As for Crwcrwyl, the name isn't actually supposed to be pronounceable by humans. If memory serves me, Will always communicates with the ravens telepathically, so even he doesn't have to try and twist his tongue around it.

When I was writing TQN, I always mentally thought of him as Crowcruill, though probably a raven would sneer at my accent!

But with any name in any book of mine, I always advise readers to go with whatever is comfortable and sounds right to them. I decided long ago that I wasn't going to be fussy about these things.

I hope you enjoy the story!

(And reviving a thread about one of my books is hardly something you should apologize for.)
Ah, thank you! Tis a very good name for a raven, sounds like the sort of noise they'd make. :)

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