The Otherland series is my personal alltime favorite!I loved so many of the concepts~the game/vr world being nearly indistinguishable from reality,the close friendships,the diabolical Felix Jongler(probably spelled wrong but I forgive myself!)I enjoyed the fact that he's the oldest,yet most powerful man in the world.Everytime I watch the Simpsons I think of him & how Mr. Burns is like a younger version of him.The children's minds supplying the energy for this undertaking was interesting alsne mighty fine series if you ask me!I'd like to find more books like these.I read Neuromancer around that time also(William Gibson)& liked it too but had to read the rest of the Otherland series immediately upon completion whereas I never read any more of Gibson's work after that I recall anyways.This is such an intersting forum & I'm so glad to have found it!Happy New Year Everyone!!!