I'd have to second Armageddon and Deep Impact. The problem with both movies was the human aspect -the characters were terribly shallow and cliched, and in Armageddon especially the human story was so transparently manipulative, not to mention way too unlikely - I really doubt theose people would seriously have been trusted with a mission to save the world in reality, and they adapt to working in space way too fast. Real life astronauts need a lot of training before they can undertake space missions. These people are pretty much picked up off their oil rig and hurled into space. In Deep Impact, the characters are Grisham/Crichton style cut-outs and again the human aspects of the story are too palpably manipulative.
Another movie to avoid is Basic, starring John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson. Travolta revisits familiar territory as a military investigator looking into the death of an officer duriing training exercises. Jackson also simply reprises his big badass persona. The story twists, and twists, and twists again the silliest display of pointless re-complication since Wild Things, and ends with a nauseatingly heart-warming ending that makes you suddenly, horrifyingly, realise that all those twists were not some ironic ploy - the movie makers really thought they were making a complex, rivetting movie! Wafer-thin characters again and the stars simply phone their performances in. Of the supporting cast, the less said the better.