Fun Haiku

I am surprised and
Amazed by the way seasons
change across the world.

Here, one thing. There, another.
Nature keeps surprising me.:)
Sorry for the double post, but I felt like doing another one.

A tree alone.
Content in the solitude.
Swaying in the wind.
Lady of Autumn
retreats to her cool centre
clad in red and gold....

Serene in her sere fastness,
Cloaks herself in her season.
Oh, I like that one, Py!:)

Winter approaches.
Autumn retreats for the year
To return again.

Memories of red and gold
Linger with the last shed leaf.

(Ah, got to go for now. Back in an hour or so, and I'll try doing a less rushed haiku.:))
Gentlest of winds,
Brushing softly 'gainst my cheek,
Stirring memories.

The breeze, like a spirit's touch,
Swirls about me, then is gone.
The leaves have all gone
Bare branches stand naked now
Sudden wintertime.

Only three weeks hence
the Winter Solstice comes- then
the days grow longer.:)
Autumn retires now.
Her work finished for the year,
It's now Winter's task.

Golds and reds give way to white.
A new palette for the scene.
Oh, I like that, Tal!

The expectation:
A pure white blanket of snow
Reality? Slush and rain.....

Wasn't like this in my youth...
My selective memory!
Soft grey Winter clouds
Bring more rain than snow these days,
But still, I can dream.:)

Memories of snow drift back,
Bringing a smile to my face.
Snow on the rooftops
seen from my bedroom window,
tracks across the lawn.

We had proper winters then
in the land of my lost youth....
uchi no naka
kanojo wa matsu ya
soto ni ame

Within the house
the girlfriend is waiting, agh
it's raining outside

(picture a Japanese house. A girl awaits her lover. She cannot go outside or even open the door, because the heavy rain keeps pouring down. But she's hoping that her lover will come through the rain, because he wants to see her so dearly. Yet, she fears that he won't come)

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