Graphic Novels

I've come across Slaine before. It certainly looks great. Big macho characters of the Druss the Legend vein... why not? So I'm looking to buy the first few issues of Slaine and the first few issues of Blade of the Immortal. I'll give you some feedback once I've read them. If anybody wants these comics in jpeg format I may send them to you via messenger or yahoo. I have the first two Blade of the Immortal issues in this format and I have all six Hedge Knight issues. I myself would prefer the books as I find it quite difficult to enjoy the comics in jpeg format. Plus it is nice to have the books if you are snobby collector of books like myself. Once again these forums have proven their worth, thanks people!
He just looks like beardless Druss. Does he have a code like Druss? His arms look ridiculous, make me feel like a slight man... Great pic though Brian.
The later Slaine are better recommended, as that's where the artwork is all painted. I'll have to check which storylines are nivolved.

Basically, it's a big Celtic epic, but rather violent and cuttingly funny. If you're familiar with DC's Lobo character, think: Lobo, but with a purpose.
Alas Brian my ignorance of comics/graphic novels extends as far as my ignorance of SF. I am only familiar with the really big super heroes/villains in terms of comics and only the ones my friends buy. My mate owns pretty much all of the Spiderman comics though he is loathe to let me look at most of them. I understand that they are valuable, but still....
Lacedaemonian said:
Please can anybody tell me the names of any good Fantasy or Samurai graphic novels? I would appreciate any advice on this matter.
These are'nt exactly Samurai or Fantasy, but I recommend David Mack's Kabuki series. Starting from the beginning, of course. He did the Circle of Blood series for his college senior writing thesis and now his work has been studied in graduate seminars at USC and hung in the Los Angeles Museum of Art. The first series is in black and white but the Skin Deep and Metamorphosis are painted. Check out to see some of his work. Also, check out for more info.:)
I have to admit that I like Frank Miller's work. Also, I had to reas Maus I for a Lit class and I still own it. I thought it was pretty good.

Although this is a superhero story, Superman: Speeding Bullets by J. M. DeMatteis and Eduardo Barreto was interesting. It's basic plot was "what if Kal-El were found by the Wayne's instead of the Kents?"
kabuki-circle of blood ,hellblazer(constatine)-dangerous habits,swamp thing,the watchmen,v for vendetta,preacher,the sandman(neil gaimen)-to name a couple hope this helps
