Post your art in the gallery!

I've recently had to replace an entire washload of tee shirts because some bleach got in (long story) and ruined all my dance clothes. I like to design my own and I've wanted to do one of my favourite Giallo film The House With The Laughing Windows, but the poster has a woman tied up in the window (Giallo, natch) and there are differences between the Italian, German and Brit versions.

I got the Italian poster and added some new elements replacing the tortured bloody woman with the unorthodox painting of St Sebastian from the films (nb, daggers, not arrows??) and then got a window frame to set over it and distressed it to match the painting and I'm quite pleased with the outcome. I doubt I'll be able to wear it for dance classes though or the kids'll have nightmares.


Also, as a huge M R James fan, I made this as my iPad cover using the same style as my Beanwriting brand.


Anything, but write my synopsis for Gollancz, eh? (2 days till deadline)
Are the backgrounds automatically blurred or is that a selectable function. Is there a depth of field option.
Are the backgrounds automatically blurred or is that a selectable function. Is there a depth of field option.

They can be - it's a bit of a random process - you can edit it to a degree by changing the Cut factor but it;s by no means ideal - generally speaking photoreal stuff will have some depth of field. The outputs from DD weren't blurred in the final iteration, so I used an earlier one and comped it together with some traditional painting.
@Toby Frost Oh nice. I'm mostly finished on an Imperial Armiger myself, though it definitely lacks the menace of the Chaos version :)

Just got to get the base done, but I've been distracted bashing together some Bolt Action Brits for a skirmish squad for a game I'm making... amongst more in the pile of shame of course...
Spent I don't know how long on this, but figured the most 40k miniature deserved my full effort :)
Inquisitor Karamazov.jpeg

Really happy with the highlights and shadows all being painted on.

For those unfamiliar with the scale, the 'text' on the banners is about 1mm line-height.

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