Wolf or Lion? Dragon or Stag?

To which House do you most closely identify?

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I tend to identify with the Starks, not only for Eddard's leadership, but for where Winterfell is located. I love the snow and the thought of living in a castle where hot water is piped in just thrills me!
I also like the Tully's (except for Catelyn and Lysa). When Lord Hoster was dying, the scenario seemed so soothing - to be able to see the river that you love and know you will soon be carried away with it - if I had a choice, I would be Brynden - The Blackfish - what a great man!
It the Starks for me. I believe in the pack of wolves that stay together live. The family unit is over looked and to me at least is very important in development socailly and emotionally. Besides my dog is part graywind part ghost and all shaggy dog.:D
Everyone is going for the Starks, predictably. They're just the most loveable.
I went for Targ, 'cause I'm fantastic half the time and insane the other half. Oh, and because I'm a pyromaniac :D . Gimme my dragon! And some wildfire! Now!:cool:

Why does no-one love the Tyrells? Or the Baratheons? Poor babies. At least the Tyrells are pretty, and the queen of thorns would be an ideal relative... Assuming that being a relative put her on your side.
i chose the Tyrells... Who wouldn't want to be beautiful, rich, powerful and have the most beautiful part of the seven kingdoms to call home... And of course, they always end up on the winning side. Aside from that little incident when they sided with the Targaryens and beseiged Storm's End... but still, they emerged from that war unscathed and the key to maintaining the throne. For without the near limitless food they produce, much of Westeros would starve.
Olenna would be a great relative. You just know that if you get on her good side she'll do all in her considerable power and influence to give you what you want. Though she'd hold that favour in reserve for later when she wanted something back.
Starks here for me. I like that they don't compromise their values for personal gain, Ned and his honor being the model here, in fact it is often against their personal best interest. I despise sell-outs and hypocrits so this quality speaks to me.
I shovel snow.

Winter is what i know.

Why no Frey's lol?
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Martells for me. Mainly because my mum lives in Spain, so I have a good feeling what the landscape of Dorne would be like, but mainly because they're such an interesting bunch of characters, very different to the staid bunch from the rest of the Seven Kingdoms.
Baratheon. I liked Robert a LOT, despite some of his more unpleasant quirks. (Then again, it WAS Cersei he was inflicting those on, which mitigates that somewhat).

Also, I feel like Stannis (who I used to like a lot before he got mixed up with that Red Woman) has probably the truest, fairest claim to the Iron Throne. Just my opinion.

Also, I feel like Stannis (who I used to like a lot before he got mixed up with that Red Woman) has probably the truest, fairest claim to the Iron Throne. Just my opinion.

Unfortunately for you and Stannis, he does not get a whole lot of love and sympathy in these parts.
Wha what? Do I need to start the Stannis Baratheon Anti-Defamation Lea...err Cadre? The SBADC...and I would run ads saying...

Stannis; Maybe yer other choices for monarch suck more?

Stannis Baratheon; Putting the Dic in Dictator for the last 40 years.


Stannis; His wife may be ugly, but shes not sleeping with her brother. Just the court jester.

See, he's more respected already.

How about:

Stannis, bitterness is a hard pill to swallow.


Stannis of House Baratheon; if foreign Gods and flaming hearts are your thing, look no further.


Stannis, everyone loves a woman in red. Especially when she's the controlling the king.

But, seriously, Dave and Aegon, we've had this debate before I believe and like stale mouldy bread, nobody would proudly wear an I Love Stannis button.
And I say unto you....PISH!

As Weasel said in a different thread, we cant let the board go 24 hours without a meaningful post....well why not rehash the Stannis debate. Admittedly to be a debate there has to be two sides.....On one side theres Stannis sucks, and other side....Stannis blows.....

So feel free to discuss at length whether Stannis sucks or blows....

I like the one about 'your other choices sucking more'.

And besides, Stannis never wanted to be loved, or even liked...

Just King. And hell, he didn't even really 'want' that. Or am I wrong?

Oh yes, he "wanted" that! He especially "wanted" that, which he so eloquently put it to his dear brother before he killed him. But Stannis will get what's coming to him. I see Melissandre as his likely killer but Jon could do him in as well.

And, to quote a classic Mel Brooks movie: "She's gone from suck to blow!"
My prediction on Stannis is as follows....Ive uttered this before but theres new people around now....

1) He recently moved his command into the Nightfort, thats the equivalent of hanging out a sign "Demonic Possession Desired--Inquire Within".....

2) Melissandre claims he is Azor Ahai reborn. To that end she has practiced "blood" magic and given him a flaming sword that doesnt actually flame. Lady M lies, she is a wierd kind of evil. She is the evil that comes when someone is militantly religious and devout. She is attempting to bring forth whatever nameless entity that leads the others so she can destroy it. She believes Stannis is the instrument that will help her.

3) Stannis had the most appropriate response to the Wildlings coming. Instead of looking for loyalty from the North in return for aid (ala Tywin and his let them overrun the wall policy, then the northman will have to deal with them). You defend the kingdom so you can rule it, you dont rule the kingdom so you can defend it.

4) Stannis is going to be possessed and killed by Jon. In the end it will be his brittleness and sense of honor that doom him and his possessor, so in a sense it will be Stannis who defeats the other, not Jon and not Melisandre (whom he eats alive or something sufficiently gruesome)

There ya go, now you dont even have to read the next couple of books....

I'm very probably wrong about whether or not Stannis 'wanted' the Iron Throne. Sadly, I lost all my ASOIAF books in a recent move, and it's been a long while since I read the first 3. (Finances at the moment do not permit re-purchasing the series..sigh.)

Still, personally, I'd rather see Stannis on the throne (minus his pocket witch) than Dany and whatever wierd menagerie of supporters she can cobble together.

Just my opinion

Dear brotherhood of the proper name Dave,

In the prologue of ACOK Stannis doesnt just mention what he feels as his birthright to the throne he also refers to his brother (Renly) as an usurper. Unwilling wouldnt be the case. Additionally this is the point in ASOIAF where he converts to Melisandre's way of thinking.

(At the stern approval (ahem) of his bat eared wife.)

Mel basically kills his childhood maester in the prologue too.

Edit : Aegon I think Renly both sucks and blows so Stannis must be a vaccuum.
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Right, right. I never meant to imply that he was 'unwilling'. Just that he may have viewed it as more of a 'right' and a 'duty' rather than a desire. Splitting hairs, I know.
As we all know, that kooky Stannis is pretty hardline when it comes to questions of 'right' and 'duty'..even before the Red Woman popped up.

Again, it's been a long while. So basically I'm just talking to be talking because I enjoy hearing all of you fine Westerosi scholars' viewpoints. This forum is my very first stop after my homepage loads every day now.

As always, just my rambling opinion.


I'm very probably wrong about whether or not Stannis 'wanted' the Iron Throne. Sadly, I lost all my ASOIAF books in a recent move, and it's been a long while since I read the first 3. (Finances at the moment do not permit re-purchasing the series..sigh.)


Hi Dave,
You're not wrong as such, but there was a gap between what Stannis said and his actions. I recall he did say for a while that he was pursuing the crown out of 'duty', and that he took no joy in killing Renly. So he did (does) want the crown, but denied having nefarious personal reasons, instead claiming it was all in the service of duty and order, etc.
A sort of "This is hurting me more than it hurts you" style of thinking.

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