
Not sure why anyone would want the list, but it reminded me of a question that came up while I was read FEAST. Why did Martin move from just naming the POV person to creating titles for some? I know Victarion, Arya, and Sansa changed names/titles in the book but why did he break from his traditional style in this book?

Just curious as to if anyone knew the reasoning behind this.

Originally AFFC was going to have a Robert Jordan-style prologue which would bounce between many different POVs. Originally, all the Arianne, Areo Hotah, Arys Oakheart, Aeron, Victarion and Asha chapters were going to make up that one prologue, and the titles were going to be used to show it was a different format to the one used previously. However, the prologue ended up being about 200 MS pages long, so he split it between the lesser POVs and used the titles as the chapter headers instead.

Asha's chapters in ADWD will also be using this technique. Her first chapter in the book is 'The Wayward Bride', for example. GRRM has commented that such characters are likely to be 'temporary' POVs and we won't be sticking with them until the end of the series, unlike say Jon, Tyrion and Dany. It seems unlikely we'll see more Areo Hotah or Aeron Greyjoy chapters, for example.

Is GRRM still sticking to the five year gap, though?

No. It is gone and is deader than the dodo.

AFFC and ADWD cover approximately the same timeframe. The one we've been able to read (AFFC) describes events in detail that were, I suppose, going to be no more than mentioned (or dealt with in flashbacks) in the book set five years later. But now that all these threads have been left hanging loose (e.g. Cersei in her current predicament), it would be more than odd to leave the "resolutions" to brief mentions in the book that will follow ADWD.

AFFC covers the events of the 5-year gap but more importantly includes some events that happened after the gap. Originally Cersei screwing things up and getting arrested would have happened after the original gap (proven by Littlefinger's slightly disbelieving, "I thought she'd take at least five years to screw things up this badly!" comment), as would Brienne finding Stoneheart (the implausibility of this is one of the main reasons the gap was scrapped) and so on.

ADWD will basically depict the events that were originally slated to happen after the gap as well, with maybe the first one or two chapters paying lip service to events during the gap (Dany's difficulties in securing her grip on Meereen, for example).
Wert, thanks for posting... you've probably posted this info before... thanks for helping us.
Thread rez...


POVs from A Dance with Dragons...

Jon, Tyrion, Dany (the big three), Bran, Arya, Theon, Asha, Davos, Areo, Quentyn, Cersei, Jaime, Victarion, Barristan, and Melisandre.

A complete list of character with POVs in the series. I've given them by their names and not their title or description as GRRM sometimes does, especially for the Targaryens. I've done this in alphabetical order by first name since some characters do not have last names...

Aeron Greyjoy
Areo Hotah
Arianne Martell
Arys Oakheart
Arya Stark
Asha Greyjoy
Barristan Freaking Selmy
Brandon Stark
Brienne Tarth
Catelyn Stark
Cersei Lannister
Chett, steward of the Night's Watch
Cressen, Maester of Dragonstone
Daenerys Targaryen
Davos Seaworth
Eddard Stark
Jaime Lannister
Jon Connington
Jon Snow
Kevan Lannister
Melisandre, priestess of R'hllor
Merrett Frey
Pate, an acolyte of the Citadel
Quentyn Martell
Samwell Tarly
Sansa Stark
Theon Greyjoy
Varamyr Sixskins
Victarion Greyjoy
Will, ranger of the Night's Watch

I think that is a complete list.

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