Rahl Windsong
Last of the Windsong Clan
napthali said:regulating how long these series can drag on..I mean some of the main characters are kids. Do you guy's realise we still have to get through their teen and adult years. I may be six feet under before this darn thing wraps up. I hope Mr. Martin is taking very good care of himself :grin:
THere, also, outta be a restriction about how long readers have to wait between books. I say 1 year max
Well I don't agree with this statement at all and I see no reason for any characters in the story to become any specific age unless his story dictates that. The author has to have complete freedom to be able to tell his or her own story or the entire process is a waste of their valuable time. Its their story so they get to create every single thing about it. Its the readers choice to read it or not, and if they tell a poor story they will get poor reviews from their readers/fans anyway thats the way it works.