What would your Dæmon be like?

This is what they say.

Your EAGLE DAEMON represents an unlikely combination of fierce pride and remarkable wisdom. Though widely admired, you can be very distant at times, and like to stay out of people's personal lives.

Well I guess that's OK. :) Funnily enough, before I did the little test I decided if I could pick my own, I would have a jackdaw daemon, another bird.


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It says that my daemon is a wolf. I notice that there are lots of wolf daemons here; maybe they can start a pack.

An animal-based spirit-guide card deck that I own says that wolves are associated with teachers, so, being a teacher, I always thought I should consider the wolf one of my guides. And now here the wolf is again.

But, really, I would prefer to have a Brown Rat as my daemon. :)

(I've had many rats as pets over the years, and I always thought the rats were like little dogs: gregarious pack animals who love to play. Rats and wolves are similar, then. Both are pack animals, with alpha and beta members. Both care about their own and turn nasty when threatened. But rats have a greedy, self-centered streak--like me.)
I got the wolf too, which is fine by me! Love wolves.

But like Brown Rat, I'd like a rat daemon! It could wriggle into places and earwig for me!
Tiger for me:

Your TIGER DAEMON shows an unmistakable aura of pride, resilience, and aggression. Your balance of impatience and inspiration make you a creative leader, although you are prone to dangerous extremes.
Hmm...that's interesting. I took it about six times, with all possible truthful answers, and I still got a wolf. And using the other link, I found out her name is Bronwyn. That's another interesting thing, in the book, everyone's daemon was the opposite gender of themselves. I thought that was neat. I guess it was supposed to represent the anima(or animus, if you're a girl) in your soul.
Digging out old threads, but I took the quiz and thought I might as well post it!

I think I'm the only one to get this?


Your SNAKE DAEMON shows that you are dangerous, clever, and disconcert others with your effortless power. You function best when left to yourself, as other people's minds work too slowly for your liking.
I've actually thought quite a bit about this topic. There is a sincere philosophy behind what your daemon would be, and it can never be anything as simple as a "wolf" or a "tiger" but instead it is always a specific species which is tailored to you to a T.

there are several things about your personality which make you unique from everyone else, and which makes your "daemon" different from all others as well.

yeah, there are general categories of people, such as "extroverts" or introverts, or people who are bubbly or sullen or whatever. but there are some things which makes it so that you cannot fit into any generic category.

i feel another friend of mine is a spotted linsang. it is beautiful, yet nocturnal and carnivorous. it is soft and innocent looking, but its wide eyes can also see clear through the dark and see things most people can't.

and again, you can't choose your daemon, just like you can't choose who you are. it's unique to you. which is something you must be proud of.
very profound...and it is a valid point. That quiz only had six results, i got an eagle first time, and a wolf second, much more to my liking. Using the other link, i found that my daemon's name would be Lykaios. I don't think my daemon would ever fully settle, it would just keep switching between wolf and horse...maybe
In the test they have put a few clever questions about:

Introversion/extroversion (prefers to be in her own company/in company of others, and also preference for thoughts/action)

Also, for example, the choice of eyes indicates extroversion (looking outside vs. looking within).

Dominance/submission (alpha/beta animal)

Aggressiveness/meekness (which is not the same as above, but of course can go together).

It's easy to sort out, when you read the questions in this perspective.

My daemon (I answered truthfully, I swear) is a solitary and ferocious (but loyal and poised) wolf. It doesn't show on my face, though (like Mrs Coulter's monkey?):D
A monkey...hmm. It' called Aurelio, it seems.

Your MONKEY DAEMON represents a nature that is admired, detail-oriented, and full of curiosity. Some people might call you self-absorbed. You like to plan ahead, and hone your various talents to perfection.

Not the animal I'd have expected, but the details are fairly close.
Love this question - if only it could come true ...
Too bad a tiger has been mentioned, because now I sound unoriginal - but definitely a tiger. And it would be awesome.
Kaza Kingsley
Author of the Erec Rex series
Erec Rex The Dragon's Eye
No way!!

I wanted a tiger daemon, then later (a week) came back here and saw the daemon generator. I plugged my info in and ...

Got a tiger daemon! Too cool!!

It said:
Your TIGER DAEMON shows an unmistakable aura of pride, resilience, and aggression. Your balance of impatience and inspiration make you a creative leader, although you are prone to dangerous extremes

I could buy it. But I'm not sure how it got that from my answers, which I thought sounded pretty tame!
Thanks for putting it up !!

Kaza Kingsley
Author of the Erec Rex series
I love my daemon! His name is Pyrrheus, and he's a Snow Leopard.

Apparently, I am spontaneous, modest, shy, solitary and humble. Huh. I'm not so sure about that, but a snow leopard is really very cool. Unlikely to be me if daemons really existed, but still great. I think I'd probably end up as wombat or something. ;)
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