Wonder Woman -Joss Whedon Take


Apostate Against the Eloi
Jan 4, 2004
Coffee is an addiction, black-and-white horror fil
Before I begin, I just want to point out that I placed this thread in the comic book board rather than the movie board because I am interested in this thread turning into a discussion in regards to the Wonder Woman character in general.

For those whom are still unaware, Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy the Vampire television series, has been slated to write and direct a Warner Brothers (the parent company of DC Comics) motion picture about Wonder Woman.

Apparently, however, there is a core ingredient to the Wonder Woman character that he has never liked and will change in the film. Her costume. The costume, which has went unaltered ever since her first appearance in 1942, will be changed completely for the movie.

To me, I think that is a bad decision. It is like when Kevin Smith ranted about originally being hired to write a Superman film for a producer that didn't want to have flying sequences or the suit because it was "gay." If a core and staple element of a character really bothers a director, than, perhaps, that project isn't for you. In other words, if Joss Whedon doesn't like the costume of a character that has never before been altered, than he should have picked a different comic character to bring to life on the big screen.

Anyway, what do other people think? Does it bother you at all that the costume will be changed, or do say "good riddance?"

Did anyone ever read any of the Wonder Woman comics?
I was never that fond of Wonder Woman in the comics.
She was "impossibly" good absolutely all of the time. Never lost her temper, never seemed to be anything other than the generic perfect goddess (which, ultimately she became :rolleyes: ).

Donna Troy, on the other hand, was much more interesting. :)

As far as the costume goes, I have the same reaction to it as with Wolverine in X-Men. What looks great on print, can look crap on screen.
Joss is trying to (hopefully) provide a credible superhero in a recognisably modern setting so he's ditching the campier aspects of superhero-dom to buy in a little believability.
Having said that, I understand he wants to introduce in her invisible plane...

I'm looking forward to Joss' interpretation as things stand. One of his strengths appear to be good characterisation, so he may make a decent fist of this one.
Winters_Sorrow said:
I was never that fond of Wonder Woman in the comics.
She was "impossibly" good absolutely all of the time. Never lost her temper, never seemed to be anything other than the generic perfect goddess (which, ultimately she became :rolleyes: ).

Donna Troy, on the other hand, was much more interesting. :)

As far as the costume goes, I have the same reaction to it as with Wolverine in X-Men. What looks great on print, can look crap on screen.
Joss is trying to (hopefully) provide a credible superhero in a recognisably modern setting so he's ditching the campier aspects of superhero-dom to buy in a little believability.
Having said that, I understand he wants to introduce in her invisible plane...

I'm looking forward to Joss' interpretation as things stand. One of his strengths appear to be good characterisation, so he may make a decent fist of this one.
Yeah, despite my misgivings on the topic of the suit, I am eager to see him place his trendy take on the character. It certainly must be better than the average Hollywood goon's marketable take.

I do recgonize that the suit's purpose is more than outdated. The whole star spangled theme is rooted in the support for ally forces of World War II, much like Marvel's Captain America. The general public, on that front, may be a bit too cynical now days for such custome purposes; however, I believe most people attribute the design solely to the character rather than its original purpose....if that made any sense.

I have to agree with you about the creepy amount of happiness in the character. Have you ever rewatched the live action television series? All the Amazons (based on a band of war women) of Paradise Isle are skipping around and playing fun games of tag. Hardly the power types that Wonder Woman was supposed to personify. The character herself, though, has always seemed to wield some untapped potential that no one has got right thus far. Maybe, just maybe, Joss can get it right....suit or no suit.


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I see whats being said here, and WW does seem a little bland compared to the rest of the DC universe heroes. A lot of her more recent comics focused more on other characters in the canon rather than Diana herself.

But lets face it, one of the biggest selling points of the movie, whether anyone likes it or not, is going to be a revealing costume. Will they get a proper actress to play WW or some over-proportioned no brainer to fill out
her new costume?
1. Josh Whedon doing a WW movie is great news - didnt know that. Thanx.
2. Costume - hate it. Always hated costumes for superheros. Ild rather use the term "dorky" than Kevin Smith's "gay", but I understand where he's coming from. It seems a little outlandish.
genisis2 said:
1. Josh Whedon doing a WW movie is great news - didnt know that. Thanx.
2. Costume - hate it. Always hated costumes for superheros. Ild rather use the term "dorky" than Kevin Smith's "gay", but I understand where he's coming from. It seems a little outlandish.

I think I may have worded my original post in an awkward manner. Just to clarify, Smith was mocking the producer who called Superman's costume and flying sequences as "gay," not the comic book hero.
As far as the costume goes, I have the same reaction to it as with Wolverine in X-Men. What looks great on print, can look crap on screen.
Joss is trying to (hopefully) provide a credible superhero in a recognisably modern setting so he's ditching the campier aspects of superhero-dom to buy in a little believability.

I agree 100% with Winters Sorrow. How cool would Wolverine had been on screen in the yellow spandex? My guess is not half as much as in a nice leather jacket with a couple stripes on the arm. The X-Men movies were much better than Spiderman or Superman, perhaps partly because of the overall campiness of the latter two.
actually the costume has changed. the original costume had an eagle in gold on the chest, wonder woman was awarded the new suite with the WW logo by a womens organisation (can't remember when). the very original costume did in fact have a cape, also there was a swimming wet suit. as for the costume not looking good on film, i think linda carter would be argument for the original! i always thought she looked great.
i'm very much looking forward to the new film. i want to see if they continue the 'breaking free' graphic metaphors from the series. Also to see how they do on continuity, in costume that would include the bracelets, more than bullet repelents, in the original series, if an amazon lost her bracelets, she went mad. Which wonder woman will they use? the squeeky cleen dina prince? or the more gritty feminist from post crisis universe? also will they give her a decent villian? the original tv series was plagued with woefully underpowered 'bad guys'. i'd love to see someone like circlel, powerful female, for the job.
topspin said:
I see whats being said here, and WW does seem a little bland compared to the rest of the DC universe heroes. A lot of her more recent comics focused more on other characters in the canon rather than Diana herself.

But lets face it, one of the biggest selling points of the movie, whether anyone likes it or not, is going to be a revealing costume. Will they get a proper actress to play WW or some over-proportioned no brainer to fill out
her new costume?
why can't we have an actress with the stature (no snickering) and the ability? Amazons are traditionaly tall, well built women with iq's which more than matched their bra sizes. a 'buffy' style wonderwoman, just for acting ability (snort, smg, acting, bwahahahahahahahahahaha) would be a criminal injustice!
Princess Ivy said:
why can't we have an actress with the stature (no snickering) and the ability? Amazons are traditionaly tall, well built women with iq's which more than matched their bra sizes. a 'buffy' style wonderwoman, just for acting ability (snort, smg, acting, bwahahahahahahahahahaha) would be a criminal injustice!

I vote you get the job then, Princess. I'm sure you could fill that suit admirably! :D
I don't care about the costume (except for the bracelets). I care about the choice of actress to play Wonder Woman, and the depiction of the character in Joss's screenplay.

I trust Joss to hit all the right notes in characterization, given the female characters he's created in other shows and on film. But I wonder who will be cast in the role.

Awhile back, I heard something to the effect that he wasn't looking for a particular age range in casting an actress to play Wonder Woman, because the screenplay doesn't focus on issues specific to either younger or older women. From what he--or someone else?--said, culture-clash rather than age-specific issues is a theme. Has anyone else heard anything about this?
Im going to weigh in on the side of jettisoning the costume in favor of something more original. I agree with the sentiments expressed earlier about Wolverines outfit.
The concept of WW is very original and could be really interesting to explore.

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