isaac asimov

  1. G

    Looking for a short story

    Hello everybody. A request from a newbie: looking for the title of the first SF short story I ever read (a loooong time ago!). Asimov of course. A man walks at night in a street, picks up a toy doll found on the ground, starts to cross the street, and when he sets down his foot finds himself in...
  2. J-Sun

    Kirkus on Asimov's Robots

    Isaac Asimov and the Three Laws of Robotics Three quibbles: it makes it sound like Asimov's father thought SF mags were educational and were a good idea for Asimov to read when that was actually how Asimov talked his dad into letting him read them. It makes it sound like Asimov "would take a...
  3. Bick

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Asimov

    This may be a well-worn furrow, I'm not sure, but it was an interesting aside I came across yesterday and so I thought I would share. It may be new to some. I was reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Sign of Four" last night and came across the following text, in comments made by Holmes to...
  4. SpanishMill

    My favorite Authors

    I've had this book for a while and never paid close attention to all the picture pages... So to my surprise both Clarke and Asimov in the same pic hanging out and smiling.:)
  5. L

    meaning of etherics

    Hi everybody. I'm Brazilian and I'm reading The Caves of Steel. What does etherics mean in Asimov's works?? I understand the word etheric isrelated to ether, but there is sentence in The Caves of Steel in which ethericsseems to be a place... Please take a look at this fragment: (A group of...
  6. SpanishMill

    Foundation series books

    Just sharing my collection of books... First three original books are hard to find and/or very expensive. First Doubleday trade edition previously published only as a book club edition starting in 1963 I have a first edition "Trilogy" trade copy (1st edition / 1st printing) as indicated by...
  7. Fishbowl Helmet

    Visions of the Future documentary...

    Over on io9 they've posted Asimov's Visions of the Future documentary. Link:
  8. J-Sun

    How The Foundation Trilogy Can Make You a Nobel Laureate

    Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman's introduction to a new edition of the Foundation trilogy. That edition makes me wish I had money coming out my ears so I could get it. I really hate that Krugman plays the "it's not really science fiction - yes, it has a galactic setting in the far...
  9. G

    The one and only thing I disliked about Asimov: the mule

    Anyone else agrees? Foundation is a terrific story, clever no matter what angle you look from. And everything is made in such a way as to be realistic and scientifical. Untill we meet the "mule". To me, it seemed something that would come from less "serious" fiction, something like "x-man" or...
  10. I

    What do you love about Asimov?

    I have been thinking about this a lot recently and wondering to myself what makes me like a particular author. To give you some idea, my favorite authors are, Dr Asimov, Harry Harrison, Arthur C Clarke and A E Van Vogt. Isaac Asimov and Harry Harrison vie for my top spot constantly and...
  11. I

    Asimov Short Stories

    I am currently trying to put together a definitive list of Asimov's short stories. I think I have looked at most of the sources but there are some whopping inconsistencies. I wonder if anyone knows of a good source or if any of you have actually put together a list. Thank you in advance.
  12. I

    Asimov plagiarism?

    Can anyone help solve a mystery please? I have received a 750 word text as a submission for a short story writing competition. The style is very Asimov and sounds familiar however despite various attempts I have not been able to identify if the text has been plagiarised. The story is set in...
  13. hopewrites


    In the thread the naivete of early SF I asked if this was a real thing yet. The reason I asked was not just that I liked the idea that it could be done, but I remember watching a program a while back on the stalk market and how the mathematicians were running it, and how those that adhered...
  14. O

    About Foundation by Asimov

    In the story '' The Merchant Princes '' Korellians were at war with the Foundation for three years and Mallow did nothing against them. And after 3 years, the war ended by Korell's surrendering. Is 3 years not enough time to destroy a civilization that does nothing during a wartime?
  15. O

    On Foundation by Isaac Asimov: Why did Gorov go to Askone to trade?

    In the part of '' The traders '', Gorov says to Ponyet about his wanting to trade with Askonians, '' The only way we can increase the security of the Foundation here in the Periphery is to form a religion-controlled commercial empire. We're still too weak to be able to force political control...
  16. J-Sun

    SPOILER-laden "order to read REF series" thread

    There are at least two threads which discuss the appropriate reading order of the Asimov Robots/Empire/Foundation superseries but I thought it might be useful to have one which can be spoilery just to discuss it freely (which might be fun in itself) and to better help fans help new...
  17. pnerd

    Is Azazel a trickster?

    Can Azazel be called a trickster?
  18. J-Sun

    Asimov's Limericks

    Article. :) Sounds like some sort of contest going on, too, but Swanwick assumes I know what he's talking about and searching turns nothing up such as an earlier blog entry on it.
  19. J-Sun

    Happy Birthday, Isaac Asimov!

    Better late (it was (officially) yesterday) than never. :o Article.
  20. Darkday

    The Caves of Steel movie planned
