isaac asimov

  1. D

    The Gods Themselves

    Spoilers ahead Damn, am I glad I gave Asimov's books another chance after Foundation and Earth! What a wonderful book (The Gods Themselves, that is; F&Earth was a heap of trash), one that I feel grasps human nature a lot better than the Foundation series did, especially when he started adding...
  2. J-Sun

    James Gunn on Isaac Asimov

    Interesting article celebrating Isaac Asimov. On a personal note, it struck me funny that, in defending Asimov's style, I'd said, (where "unforgivable sin" is ironic) and Gunn says, Slightly different (particularly as Gunn completes the parallelism), but overlapping points. I have the...
  3. F

    Looking for titles I forgot

    I read several Asimov novels back in the late 70's and two story lines have stuck with me but I cannot recall the titles. They may be from the same title. The first story line is a future setting where people no longer have any personal contact. In fact the thought of being in the same room...
  4. J

    A Good Start

    Okay, so most know that I like Mr. Asimov, just haven't been able to get into his writing. So, with all that said: You, the great big Asimov fan. The one who yells out I, Robot in the streets when seeing something awesome. You- recommend to me what is the first fiction book of Isaac Asimov that...
  5. eanbardsley

    The Levinson-Asimov-Clarke Phenomenon

    I have found that modern science fiction, in particular the writers Paul Levinson, Isaac Asimov, and Arthur C. Clarke have written stories that are entangled with the reader and the universe, as well as the reader with the universe. While these stories are modern fiction and not myth, they play...
  6. E

    Asimov Essay on Textbook Errors

    Hello everyone. I am trying to locate a particular essay by Asimov. In it he describes finding an erroneous physical constant in a textbook he was using, and showed how the error propagated from other works. I've Googled to exhaustion with no luck. Can anyone here point me to that essay...
  7. D

    Foundation and Earth

    Hi, I'm new to these forums I was recently introduced to Asimov (or specifically, to the Foundation series) by a friend, and found that I enjoyed the trilogy and its two prequels immensely. Then, I read Foundation's Edge and Foundation & Earth... Is it just me, or did Asimov just shred...
  8. T

    Please help me understand Foundation, The Merchant Princes

    I have read Foundation up till this chapter, without any problems with understanding, but I ran into a little obstacle here. The missionary that got into Mallow's ship-how on earth did he get there, and what is his purpose there? What happened to him at the end of chapter 4? I would be very...
  9. Star Girl

    Nine Tomorrows

    Whenever I ask people about Asimov, I always get talking about Foundation or I, Robot. However for me one small book of nine stories will always be my favourite and yet it's so unknown. Nine Tomorrows is a great Isaac Asimov book and I was just wondering if anyone else enjoyed it or read it.
  10. G

    Asimov inconsistency; mistake or intentional?

    Hi I'm new here so I'm too sure if this has come up before: At the end of Foundation and Earth, Daneel is telling Trevize, Pelorat and Bliss about his history. He mentions that an old friend of his (Giskard) came up with the Zeroth law of robotics ("A robot may not injure humanity or through...
  11. B

    The Foundation And Star Wars.

    Has anyone made the comparison? I just watched again the movies after reading the series [not intended] (six books in my country) And noticed from the very start some similarities which kept coming throughout the movies. Below are what i noticed. 1. - Trantor - Coruscant 2. - Obi-wan was...
  12. H

    Dr. Susan Calvin

    Hi, I am doing a presentation on a fictional psychologist for my college human relations class and I picked Dr. Susan Calvin as my subject. I'm wondering where I can find her fictional biographical info such as birth date, place, year etc.. the more information I can find the better as well as...
  13. C

    Particular Asimov paperback from the 70s/80s

    I'm trying to locate a particular Asimov paperback which I believe dates back to the seventies or early eighties and wondered if you can help me identify it. I'm almost certain it was published by Panther Science Fiction having a yellow cover with ASIMOV written in black (similar to 'The Stars...
  14. S

    Hari Seldon was a martial artist.

    I learn something new every day. Hari Seldon, who was a principal character in Asimov's Foundation series, was cast as a brilliant mathematician who used psychohistory to predict and influence the future of humanity. I just read in "Prelude to Foundation" that he was also a martial artist. To...
  15. AE35Unit

    Fantasy author to pen new Robot stories!

    hmmm,what you reckon guys and girls,right person for the job? Fantasy author to write new 'Isaac Asimov' novels | Books |
  16. xenofon

    The movie "The End of Eternity" is in development

    It seems that in 2012 we will have a classic Asimov novel turn into a movie. The movie "The End of Eternity" is in development (at least that's what says). It is very interesting because the novel is quite complicated, it is not easy to make a screenplay out of it.
  17. Omphalos

    The Hugo Winners, Vol. 1, ed by Isaac Asimov

    The Darfsteller, by Walter M. Miller, Jr. (1955): Taking its title probably from the German word "darsteller," which means "actor," Walter M. Miller's novelette The Darfsteller is about a failed actor's return to the stage. Miller's story is about the effect of technological innovation on the...
  18. Omphalos

    The New Hugo Winners, ed by Isaac Asimov

    A collection of Hugo Award Winning short pieces from 1983, '84 and '85. 1983, 41st Convention, Baltimore This book is the 1989 edition of Asimov's infrequent round-up of short form Hugo winners It contains the winners for the Hugo Award in the categories of Best Novella, Novelette and Short...
  19. Omphalos

    Foundation's Edge, by Isaac Asimov

    Apocryphal stories about the two concluding books of Foundation by Asimov abound on the net, and most people who are interested enough to have clicked on a link to come here probably know them all already. Suffice it to say that Foundation's Edge is the first of the last four Foundation books...
  20. AE35Unit

    Whatever happened to...

    a site called The Asimovians? Used to be a forum on Asimov and other SF stuff but it seems to have disappeared! Anyone on here used to be a member? I was but i can't remember my user name there!