Yar said:
"and yes, evil exists in the world, but not the way he shows it".
Well I for one amd thrilled that you live in a world other than ours. One in which real evil doesn't exist. As for Goodkind, he is and does use real events, situation and evil that is at work in "this" world, and shows that we can indeed not only rise above it, but battle it. We can be who we are without allowing it to corupt our values... I'm just glad you live ina world where evil doesn't exist!
no. he doesn't. martin crated a realistic world of violence. where a woman is raped by a bunch of men for not liking the way that they groped her. where people are killed by their own children, where they are asssassinated for no reason other than they're in the way.
goodkind has a world where women are corrupted, and turned into bondage maidens who torture and kill. where slavers rape and abuse their victims before selling them on. (really. that much rape stands a good chance of killing those girls, or at least getting them pregnant. who would buy a pregnant slave? perhaps it happens, but i see it as a chance for him to have more rape of 'bad' girls.) i have yet to come across ANY person who is totally evil, without any good in them at all. hitler, for instance, had a wife/lover, was loved by children. he killed millions of people, tortured them, but still, some people liked him, some people saw good in him. we don't get that from goodkind's shallow evil characters. just as we get nothing bad in his good. they're all one or the other. that's not realistic.
and again, other writers have good verses evil! jordan does, tolkein did, hobb did.
and i feel bad for you, living in a world where evil is everywhere, as you apparantly do if you think goodkind's world is realistic. there is no such thing a sevil. there are evil acts, carried out by cowards. but i do not believe in evil itself. goodkind does. you clearly do. and that's frighteneing. that you would elevate the work of cowards and losers to the point of it being something evil. that the world is a fight against it.
now, im sorry. but you're still dismissing any argument as being not good enough. you're refusing to even acknowledge anyone else has a point and still insisting goodkind's book is a battle of good verses evil. if it is, its on the level of being another bible. because it is, in my opinion (no offense to the religious people here) as shallow as that is, with its characters. the situation is either this is good, this is bad. that's not realistic. there are grey areas in life. there are grey areas in people. goodkind doesn't have that.
now, my points, my reasons for disliking goodkind are as follows:
his MISOGNY. like it or not, that is what i think it is. you ahve yet to offer any argument as to why the vuolence and abuse of women is ok, you have just dismissed mine as being wrong. that's not winning the argument.
his one dimensional characters. people are not just good or evil. they have grey areas. they also whine. a lot. yes yes kahlan is pretty. yes yes she loves richard. i know that. shut up already, goodkind!
his plots are tacked on. we never hear of the temple of winds until it becomes relevant. not even a little mention. that makes me feel as though he had no idea what was going on until he got to it, and is making it up without any plan
his style. its just boring. it was an effort to read his work. he is not a good writer. i only stuck with it out of total boredom.
so those are my points. my reasons for not liking him. not one is about me not liking his preachiness (i never noticed it) or disliking his good verses evil stuff, as most fantasy writers have that. its about his style and writing technique.
yar, unless you can actually defend those points. unless you can say, well i think this, instead of just dismissing everything i have to say as not being good enough, please don't bother to answer me. you are behaving the way that goodkind fans ALWYS seem to behave. dismissing any argument as not good enough, insisting that goodkind is perfect and noble. NO WRITE is perfect! until you can offer a counter argument, until you can accept we have a right to our view and argue why you think it is wrong, without insulting us, i really don't see the point in talking to you.