I thought that WoT started out ok - average epic fantasy, very derivative, poorly written, characters who were irritating, but it was overall occasionally interesting and worth reading. At least the first half was. By the time he reached book 10, he'd descended into writing some of the worst published fantasy in existence. The pacing was completely ruined(to the extent that there was no plot in Crossroads of Twilight - and Jordan is not an author who can pull that off successfully, especially not in a series like this), characters tended to be, at best, archetypes, at worst, extremely annoying and interchangeable - and the plot? Good vs evil, not even focused on the main storylines, and with a few interesting developments, but they were the exception - and this is when it's actually in the book. And I don't know what the publishers were thinking, letting his wife be the editor for these novels.
If Jordan had completed it in a trilogy, or in 5 books, then it might have been half-decent. But as it is, I don't rate Jordan much higher than Eddings, and that's a shame, because Jordan has enough skill at writing to at least equal Feist, and he even had a couple of original ideas (eg copy Frank Herbert rather than Tolkien).