Ne Brits?

yeesh give a film a chance...
Bear in mind how old the film is, there was nothing like it in its day, the language especially is not so unusual for a film these days, but to have a young girl saying such things, was unthinkable..
The film also highlights that good doesnt necessarily win....
Originally posted by Asmiley
I found out that there were three actresses to play the girl cause the first two died. Now that is frieky....
What d'ya mean?!
Well During the making of the movie there were three actresses to play the Girl. Cause two of them died during the making of the movie!
Isn't that frieky?
so 3 different actresses play this girl in the film? How did they die?!
thats not true AFAIK. Linda Blair played the girl, Regan, and was the only actress in the role. There is not mention of other actresses who died in the documentaries on the DVD, and this is a pretty detailed DVD. There was a member of the crew who died at some point during the filming, I can't remember the details ATM though...
by all accounts, its a fantastic film for its time and one of the best in the genure, if you're into that kind of thing....

Me personally, I don't like it, and won't have it anywhere near me....*grins*

just don't like the damn thing...that all...but hey, you guys have fun with
yeah, there is quite a few...I think this was one of the things that caused the most outrage at the time...havinga young girl saying c**t and blaspheming a lot...
just to change the subject again, asmiley what u up to in the Europe section ;) no yanks allowed

only kidding babe :D

go on asmiley, admit

must go trowling the pages as well...stir up some trouble....lolololololol

aby(seriously considering starting trouble....)
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