Fave Andromeda Quotes!

The Pearls That Were His Eyes

Wealth is too precious to be entrusted to the rich.

Beka: You know if you don’t want me to go, why don’t you just say so?
Dylan: I don’t want you to go.
Beka: Damn. I didn’t thing you’d just say so!

Dylan: *reading a letter from Trance* Don’t worry I’ll look after her. Trance.
Harper: So?
Dylan: So now I’m worried! :D

Dylan: We have plenty of currency, it’s just that none of it is current!

Beka: I hate planets. How could anyone live like this? (well we manage it!!)

Beka: You shouldn’t drink. It impairs your judgement. (let that be a lesson to us all! :D)

All Great Neptune’s Ocean
Democracy may only be a few steps removed from anarchy but at least it’s not as loud.

Beka: What if they start shooting? How am I supposed to run in a dress?
Rommie: Good Heavens! What kind of dinner parties have you been to.

Beka: And we provide them with the services of the toughest ship in the known universe.
Rommie: Flatter me all you want. You still have to wear the dress. :D

Chancellor: I said tell them no. Tell them no as often as it takes and then just tell them no again. :D

Tyr: For a man determined to cook histories greatest omelette you’re awfully squeamish about cracking your eggs. :D :D

Harper (describing Tyr): Overbearing, self righteous, vain, vicious, brutal, waaaay to serious and a little big! :D

There have been some great lines in all the eps I think ...:)
Some I will always remember ....arrgghhhh roll on new season

Rommie's in love with the new guy!

Beka (Star Crossed)
The Mathematics of Tears

If Hope is the Engine.
Then Duty is the Navigator.
And Love is the Fuel.

Beka: Once in century?? They get less action then you, Harper.
Harper: Ha! No they don’t!

Dylan: You know, I don’t *need* the saluting, but I *like* the saluting!

Harper: Must have killed you, not being able to fix it. Not that I would know anything about that but it must have killed.

Lt. Peirce: People wonder what it’s like to live so long, but it’s like death.

Dylan: Structure. Rules. Captain’s like those things. But the most important thing I’ve already got - a crew I can depend on.
Beka: I guess know would be a bad time to request vacation time?

Harper: "Trust in the Harper, the Harper is good."

Was this one already here? Oh well, if it was, I'm puttin it again :rain: It's a good one.
sounds familiar but reminding us of some of the *fave* fave quotes is always good :D

okay some more:Harper 2.0
Jaeger: He’s dead? You’re certain?
Dylan: Dead certain.

Dylan: Do you know why he attacked you?
Harper: Jealous of my good looks, maybe?

Harper (about Trance): She’s an enigma, wrapped up in a riddle, with a tail in the middle. :D

Rev: You need the one thing that all your knowledge can not give you. Wisdom.

Forced Perspective
Dylan: Where am I?
Interrogator: Confess!
Dylan: I confess I don’t know where I am. :D

Trance: It’s water.
Dylan: How?
Trance: How.....well....when two hydrogen atoms love each other very much they bond with an oxygen....
Dylan: No! How did you find me?! :D

Dylan: That’s Venetri.
Trance: No kidding! Who’s Venetri?

Trance: That’s the thing about guessing. 90% of the time it’s 50/50. :D

Music of a Distant Drum
Elaine: Do Neitchziens eat vegetables?
Tyr: We can eat almost anything as long as it’s organic.
Elaine: Well, we have plenty of drift wood.

Beka: For God’s sake Dylan, you’re entire crew has an ulterior motive. Rev Bem wants to use your Commonwealth to spread his religious faith. Harper’s in lust with your ship. Tyr’s always plotting something or the other. God ony knows what the
purple one wants. Does it really surprise you to know that I’m any different?

Originally posted by Maria8475

Dylan: Do you know why he attacked you?
Harper: Jealous of my good looks, maybe?

Trance: It’s water.
Dylan: How?
Trance: How.....well....when two hydrogen atoms love each other very much they bond with an oxygen....
Dylan: No! How did you find me?! :D


Those are my favs :rain:
cool :D

i think this is my fave (but my faves do tend to change from time to time or even second to second :D)

Dylan: Where am I?
Interrogator: Confess!
Dylan: I confess I don’t know where I am.
There are just too many good quotes in Andromeda! However I just watched 'Under the Night' again and here are some of my favorites from that episode.

Dylan " You know I can't wait to hear your toast at my wedding. To Dylan and Sara I'm sure your have a long and happy life together. Unless you die"

Rhade "I should have trained them better"

Gerentex "You know I for one hope your as good at this as you say you are."
Beka "Actually, I'm better"

Harper "Okay, I would just like to say for the record. We rule."

Trance "Oh, he's the guy who retired. Didn't you say he bought a farm."
Harper "The Farm. He bought the Farm."
Trance "What's the difference"
Beka "Torn pressure suit and a bad emergency seal."
Originally posted by Mellian

Dylan " You know I can't wait to hear your toast at my wedding. To Dylan and Sara I'm sure your have a long and happy life together. Unless you die"

I love Dylan :rain: Him and Rhade were great together. I think they made a good team. Too bad Rhade had to be a jerk and get himself killed.
yeah after the little we got to saw of them i really thought they were gonna be good, pity he died. wouldn't call him a jerk though!!!

Oh the the 'toast at my wedding' quote is one of my all time faves. i was giggling for about 10 minutes after that, and i don't even know why! :eek: I'm a very confused indiviual!! :D
That line about the wedding toast is just great. It isn't just the words but the way that Dylan says them as well!
That's why I love the show so much. Not as hard-core serious as Star Trek :rain:
From Ouroboros:

"No, he's a free.....being."- Tyr

"Ow, ow, double ow!!"- Harper

"Liar. You never have to look for anything Trance. You always find what your looking for pretty much right away."- Harper

"I know, I know. It will twist me into an abstract painting. 'Harper descending staircase."- Harper

"Harper's closer to me than any engineer I've ever had. Practically closer than any crew member that's ever served on me."- Rommie.

"Alright, alright, look the two of you, at least pretend you aren't having so much fun, okay? Remember, my life is hanging by a thread here."-Harper
"An adis(sp?) string."- Rekeeb

"Ah, um, I'm sensing freakiness."- Beka

"Trance you will never guess who I just met."- Beka
"A scary, futuristic version of yourself? She went that way."- Trance

"In Dylan Hunt we trust."- Kylie
Lava and Rockets:

"Been there, done that, bought the T-Shirt."-Beka
"Oh, that explain your wardrobe."-Rommie

"I would like just once to build missiles and tweak fire control in peace."-Rommie

"What have you done with my captain?"-Rommie

"He was one of my suppliers back when... well, back in the day."-Tyr

"My lady, I imagine in all your years no one has ever accused you of being obscure."-Tyr

"How's that my pretty little starship, better?"- Harper
Dance of the Mayflies:

"Try to be a good samaritan and this is the thanks I get." Dylan

"Oh no, he want to talk to them. I hate it when you do this. I know, I know, opening up a stupid comm channel." Harper

"Yes sir, bravely running away sir." Harper

"You really should have felt that." Trance

"You're surprised? That's what you get for incessantly trying to help people." Tyr

"Ungrateful dead." Dylan

"It isn't so easy to kill dead people is it?" Tyr

"And stay dead." Beka

"This is creepy." Dylan

"Rommie, why are the dead trying to kill us? Or kiss us!! You gotta' be kidding me!!" Dylan

"Spores? I hate spores. They play dirty, try to sneak into you like a bug flying up our nose." Harper

"And now it's your turn." Trance
"Oh, doubt that."Rommie

"Wink this out." Rommie

"He's fallen and he can't get up." Harper

"Oh yeah, level eight works." Dylan

"Trance is a lot stronger than she looks." Rommie

"I hate shots." Dylan

"Trance, are you dead or alive?" Dylan
"Yes." Trance
In Heaven Now Are Three:

"Then by all means, leave me in suspense." Tyr

"Tyr will die, don't you think we're being a little dramatic." Beka

"Or a restored commonwealth." Beka
"Haha, no, it’s not funny." Dylan

"And you have a different plan?" Dylan
"My plan is to come back." Beka
"That’s a good plan." Dylan

"Are we there yet?" Dylan

"Let's stop here." Dylan
"NO!!!" Trance and Beka
"Why not, what’s wrong with this place? 'The eyes of blood and peril'. This is a bad spot." Dylan

"Oh, he's careful, he's Dylan." Trance

"Well, that was impressive." Beka
"Or stupid, depends on how you look at it." Dylan

"Good thing I didn't pack light." Dylan

" 'Don't step here, land mine', see, Beka definitely has her own style." Dylan

"Well, maybe, but she's already been killed three times that I know of and she just keeps coming back to life." Dylan

"Well, Harper always says opposites attract." Dylan
"Everyone's the opposite of Harper." Beka

"Yeah, they do all of their touching and feeling with flying, bladed weapons!!" Dylan

"Iney, menie, miney, mo, save our asses now let's go!" Beka

"And now it's time to deliver to the righteous." Beka

"You lie to us and she's dead." Duran
"Again." Trance

"Ummm, to volunteer. Hey, I didn't volunteer!!" Flux

"When I was standing on that mine I had a way out of it, counter weights, but no!! You had to hurl yourself at me and be the hero.' Beka

"Ooo, interesting move, I didn't even see that one coming." Flux

"You can't defy us forever, Trance." Flux
"But I can dream can't I? Even if it's just for a little while." Trance

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