But is Zack really dead???

sportzgirl: it is turning into WWF smackdown in here-some people want max to be with zack next season ,others want her and logan. in my opinion i jsutwant zack aroundfor eye candy...........royal one....jsut enjoy the goods onscreen!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. watch out for max andlogan next season..................


roxxy: it is turning into the wwf!
I think M/Z would make a better couple, but as long as he's on the show, I'm happy!!!
sportzgirl: actuallty i think zack and me would mke abetter couple,but hey that is jsut my opinion.i will jsut enjoy the eye candy.............he he heh heh
I've got to find someone ...
*points a a guy across the room*
how about him?!

CONGRAULATIONS on your fourth alien!!!

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