Stargate is taboo in my house too:
Can't talk about it to the two who understand (10 and 7 yr old, therefore don't count), can't watch the videos with my sis sitting opposite TV *with headphones* in (close your eyes, stupid).
You should of seen it when it was my birthday: I'd just got 'Into the Fire/Seth' video (didn't ask for it, they just ran out of ideas). Allowed little bro/sis to watch as a treat. It was before bedtime; Guess who wouldn't go to bed because they were terrorising older sister with zat guns (clothes hangers) and hand devices (twisted handband)???
*Then* they call me Jolinar because of my haircut and birthmark (on my neck, ppl).
But I call sister Hathor ('cos she'll twist men round her finger one day).
Was I the fan first or NOT???