Which has been your favorite Star Wars movie?

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Proud Ringer & HCNB
Apr 10, 2001
Personally, it's The Empire Strikes Back all the way... but I'm curious to see what others think...
This is a tough choice, I'm glad to see A New Hope and Empire tied. A New Hope has to be my favorite though because it came at such a pivotal point in my life. It would not be an exaggeration to say it changed and saved my life.
As an adult I appreciate Empire most because of the character development, the love and devotion that grows between ALL the characters, Luke growing up with Yoda, and the powerful themes and emotions that it brings up and deals with.
I wish Jedi had been of the caliber of the first two.
And I am sorry to say I was very disappointed in Phantom Menace. It was lacking in story and character development. It just seemed like a big video game to me. I hope Ep. 2 gets back to the best that Star Wars can be.

I agree. I hated Phantom Menace... I mean, it did have it's moments. Like the beginning of the final fight scene between OWK, QJ, and DM... but over all, it was a huge disappointment.

There is a TV show here in the UK called "Spaced" and the main character, Tim, hates PM. There's even an episode where he loses his job in the comic store he works in because he refuses to sell a Jar Jar doll to a small kid. Really funny stuff. LOL
Wish I could see that show, might make me feel better about PM! Good for a laugh anyway!

I posted a link to the website over in the chit chat forum. You can at least read about it if you want to. :) It's a pretty funny show.
i voted for "Return of the Jedi".. Okay so the ending was predictable, but that whole sequence with Luke, Darth and the Emperor was very cool...
Return of the Jedi all the way....and would u look at that! it's winning!;) ;) ;)

personally, i'm all for ROJ, not only because of the big fight scene but it has a few characters in it that i really like. IE Wedge Antilles... (dennis Lawson) and Tycho Celchu (he's in the A-Wing that flies through the death star) but i'm biased on the tycho thing.
ROJ is definatly my favorite. I thought the whole thing in Jabba's palace was cool and I liked the final fight scene too. (you and me both Jenn :D )
Even though ROJ is not my favorite, I do agree that the Luke, Vader and Emperor part is the best. One of the best segments out of all the movies, imo. I basically watch Jedi just so I can watch that part. It is powerful and well done.

I also like the part where they are fighting on and near Jabba's barge. I cheer Leia on everytime she defeates Jabba! Go Leia!!!

:star: :star: :star: :star:
Episode IV has always been my favourite since I saw it the first time...
Actually I love 'em all and I can't wait to see Episode II!!!
Alec Guiness was great, I like him as an actor!
Mine's The Empire Strikes Back because we get to see Rogue Squadron for the first time (as 'Rogue Squadron' in the form). Also the chilling twist that we hear the truth about Luke's father gives it that impact. I think if you prefer ROTJ then it's properly because of the space battles an the destruction of the Death Star where as I like the story, the learning about the Jedi and the Force when we first see Luke and Yoda meet for the first time.

<Warning: Possible Spoiler Below>

About the Force... if you're wondering why some Jedi can appear as 'Jedi Sprits' if you like after they die, then we learn about that in Episode II (maybe III) when Yoda teaches it to Obi-Wan Kenobe. That is why we're not likely to see Obi-Wan's master after his death.
Gotta go with Return of the Jedi ....each one had some great scenes in it but this one is the one I liked the most and would watch again.
Okay I can't vote on this poll.:( It's to hard to pick between the three um 4 um maybe 5 (haven't seen the new one due to the fact it won't be here till next year.) If I had a choice between the trilogy or number one I'd pick the trilogy but the first three were too good to pick between. I mean how can you choose between a scene like a garbage facility and almost being crushed, and Obie wan's death with the Deathstar being blown up, or Lukes training with Yoda and the cloud world, or Han encased in that black stuff and Lea being a slave girl and Lukes full powers coming out finally in the third one. It's just too hard for me to decide between the three.
I'm just in shock so many of you can tolerate the ewoks. They ruined ROTJ for me. If they weren't in it, it might be my favorite... but I still stand by ESB. ;)
I liked the little thingies but Ep. IV was dfinately the best for me ....besides Mark looks so terrible in Ep. V and VI...first time I saw them I thought he was an alcoholic. Anybody else noticed that extreme change? :(
I've wondered about that for years, too. I figured maybe Mark got in an accident or something because his teeth and face looked different. I always thought that maybe that was part of the Wampa's scratching Luke's face, to have the scars be part of the story.

This is pure speculation on my part. It's just that the changes in his face seem consistent with some sort of injury or plastic surgery or oral surgery.

I would love to know the answer to this, too. If anyone knows, do tell.

I hate to say it, but I don't think he's "aged well" either. Sad. Hate to say it considering how in love I was with him as a teenager. :blush::kisses:

Anyway, I still like him. I guess he does all sorts of voiceovers and things now. Here's to Mark/Luke!!!!!:star::star::star:
Voted Empire.
Seemed the one where all the characters devolped and expanded on their relationships.
jedi seemed to be about wrapping up all the unanswered questions and those ewoks were so annoying!

As for Mark. He did have an accident between filming star wars and empire. He ran his car off the road. He was found, severely injured and with no ID.
He was in a coma and spent months in hospital recovering. The plastic surgeons had to repair his face and since they didnt know who he was apparently they had nothing to go on. Amazing really he wasnt altered further.
He said in an interview after that the accident changed his life. Apparently success kinda went to his head after star wars and he was living in the fast lane. After the accident he calmed down a lot and it wasnt long before he married Marilu Henner (of Taxi fame).
And if ya hadnt guessed I was a major Mark Hamill fan back then!!
oops duh! He didnt marry Marilu Henner, where the hell did that come from??????!!
He did marry a Marilu but she was an orthodontist!!
Oh well it was a long time ago and I'm getting old, brain isnt what it used to be.:blush:
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