Which has been your favorite Star Wars movie?

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:rolly2: aw come on now...it wasn't that bad...There were some redeaming qualities for Ep 1 you know...give me some time and I'll think of some ;) Actually I liked The Phantom Menace although some things bugged me. But I can say that about any movie I've ever seen.
Ok, so it was quite funny in some places, and it did have Ewan McGregor in it, which is fine by me lol, but i always thought about Star Wars that even though they were rated PG/U they werent kids films. Couldn't picture many little runts going to see any of the Trilogy and understanding/liking it, but i came out of the cinema after seeing the Phantom Menace thinking to myself "maybe i should have brought my 8 year-old brother instead of going with my friends". Basically i thought it was a kids film. So, while it was funny and it did have Ewan in it, i didnt feel like it appealed to all audiences. It is a good film in its own right i guess, because at the end of the day it is Star Wars i just felt kinda let down by George Lucas.

Phew, maybe that shoulda gone in my rant thread? lol, sorry for being long-whinded!

Cool thanks :D do you have a different take on the whole thing?

I liked AoTC a lot more because in this film i did think that it appealed to a much wider audience - male/female, old/young, romantics/action fans, y'know, it had a mixture of everything, which is always good. Plus, Hayden Christenson, cant go wrong there ;)

well my opinion is definetly leaning towards rotj, i think it was the best, well everything except the whole teddy bears beating up storm trooper:mad: :mad: :rolly2:
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