Daniel (Daniel lovers do NOT enter!)


Uh, if you really hate Daniel, why are you wasting your time and everyone else's posting to this forum? Since this forum is for people who happen to like Daniel (a lot), you're only going to attract negative responses. Unless of course, that's what you're after...
In which case, you're just a troll, and I shouldn't be wasting *my* time responding to you.
Go make trouble somewhere else.


Uh Oh, looks like a little quarrell to me!
I think everyone's free to post his opinions but if you hate Daniel why do you watch Stargate then?
I can understand Daniel's not everyone's fav like he is mine, and I can understand somebody doesn't like him( like I can und erstand somebody doesn't like Jack or can't stand Sam or Teal'c or any other character)...but if you have some problem with any SG-1 member...stop watching it!!!
Then you wouldn't have to begin a new thread and wasting your breathe about someone you don't like
Just MY opinion!
So, is your middle name Spoon, Summer? Cause I think you like to stir up S**T.

Not that I mind, cause if you like to argue you've come to the right place. I'll argue with you over liking or hating Daniel anytime.
*Bee puts on her cheerleading outfit and shakes her blue and white pom poms*

You go AnniB.
You go Summershake
You go Kat

Go Girlfriends. Go! I say Go Girlfriends. Go!

It would seem to me if you hate Daniel you would never come to his thread. I mean you are not going to find a lot of people with your viewpoint here.

Thanks for the cheer, Bee!

Hopefully, the annoying gnat has flown away.... and we can get back to what we're really here for - adoring Daniel. :rolly2:

*adoring and dreaming*
...äh, what? Right, THANKS BEE!!!!!!
*joins her screaming: Go, Danny, go! Go, Danny, go!!!*
Now, now Anni, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Even if we do not agree with it. But, I think a Daniel lovers thread is not the best place to post such an opinion:D
Yeah. I've already written that everyone's free to post his opinion, but so am I.
I like the character of Daniel and I enjoy the other characters as well. That's why I love the show.
Originally posted by summershake
I like the character of Daniel and I enjoy the other characters as well.

And that my dear is why you post in the Daniel section. If you don't like Daniel go post elsewhere:D
watch summer and i have been doing this for a while about MS/daniel but all you have to say is BICEPS to get her going oh and i guess a piccy would help to show why we really like the guy :)



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You're absolutely right, Bee. This person is a member and does have a right to express his/her opinion. I was just p.o'd because they were obviously trying to stir something up, in a negative way, and I was not in the mood. (stressful day at work)

I should know better than to let stuff like that get to me! :erm:

So, here's a new topic - (spoiler space for Ascension, just in case...)

If you saw Ascension, what did you think of Daniel's slightly different hairstyle?

Personally, I thought, his hair stylist convinced him to try out this new hair gel.....:p



*Kat stares adoringly at the picture of Daniel's biceps...er.....of Daniel :)*
don't you like how this went from a haters posting section to another place to talk about THE MAN, and i think that MS was wearing no gel i think that is el natural, you can see it on the timelines stuff on sg1 archieve

hey how about another photo guys



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Personally I like the new do. Looks like someone's been running their fingers through it and I like to imagine it was me:naughty:
Ooh, great picture Sue!!!

Seems fitting to me for us to drool over him here. Kinda payback. :)
well we rule can take someones little prank to get us mad and we prevail the only way we know how, drooling more over the man :)

take a bow gals :)

Yeah, it's cool it changed into a Why we adore him thread...lol:rolly2:
Originally posted by KatDonovan
Personally I like the new do. Looks like someone's been running their fingers through it and I like to imagine it was me:naughty:

That's what I was going to say:D

And Sue I loved you pics. MS has been working out and I loved a 'well armed man';) And I know it's been said before, but it's so true:D

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