I don't want you ladies to take this as a criticism by any means. I have only respect for your loyalty to Daniel!
But you know what cracks me up about you guys? Your totally unashamed drooling and hots for this guy.... bless his little cotton socks!!!
You're all so cute! You definitely brighten up my day, and I am not a Daniel fan at all. I don't hate him. I think he makes a great diplomat, when dear old Jack lets him be one, which isn't very often, more's the pity. But he honestly doesn't appeal to me as a bloke. But then I guess I'm older than most of you and my tastes have changed. Probably 10 years ago I would have admired him too.
On the other hand I can see why someone would take against him so, and you all wonder what the reasons are. Perhaps it's BECAUSE you all go on about him so much that the original poster started this list. And she succeeded in making you all dance to her tune for a little while and since then, sporadically you have all had knee jerk reactions to her posting. Which means sweet Daniel- ladies, that she has probably achieved her initial aim!
It certainly says a lot for the strength of adoration, drooling and belief in the Daniel character that you managed to turn the list into another Daniel drooling competition instead!
I just hope that I don't have to double the drool cleaning shifts up to cope with the extra puddles!!!
We're getting swamped on the other threads girls!!!