
you guys are so bad ---

i think Methos was brought in once they realized they wouldn't have Darius around anymore -- however - this is just MY idea, i have NO idea if this is was DPP had in mind -- b/c until Methos' into, Darius was the oldest known immie -- at least per the show - then they brought in Methos - who was supposed to die in his first ep (that would have sucked!) - but then there wouldn't have been all those really great eps later about the Horsemen and such...

which leads us back to the thread topic -- Cassandra --

do you think she could ever forgive Methos for his actions as a horseman?? why or why not??

(sounds like one of those questions you get in school when you read those stupid stories that everyone hated)
well I just read a fanfic where Cassandra forgave Methos after she had alot of therapy and than she found out Methos life was a lot suckyer than hers...... so...... I guess its possable........
okay - so after therapy she could forgive him?

how about w/o the aid of therapy -- in the formal sense - (ie: she goes to a shrink) --

can she do it on her own???
hmmmm......I don't know.........with out help she's kinda nuts.......
would she ever let Methos explain to her his reasons and that he realizes, now, that he was wrong? or something to that effect??
personally I seriously doubt it...if she hasn't gotten over it in 3000 years then I doubt she'll have a change of heart now. I've read fanfics where she forgives him and I have some trouble seeing it...I think that even if she does it will be another thousand years or more before she can face Methos long enough to listen to what he has to say anyway.
i think she has some serious problems if she's been holding a grudge for 3000 years --- doesn't she have something better to do w/ her time?? 3000 yrs is a long time to waste pining over the deaths of a tribe (i know it's tragic, but there's nothing that can be done) and hunting the 4 guys who did it --- she needs a hobby! argh ---

okay - end rant --- I think she COULD forgive and listen to him, maybe he doesn't really remember WHY he did it -- maybe his reasons for joining the horsemen are a little whacked - he hasn't said WHY he joined them -- there could be a million reasons - i don't think Methos was inherently bad - i thinkg something happened that disillusioned him to 'normal' life and Kronos offered him a 'different' way of life - perhaps 'better' than what he had before -- would Cassandra believe him? probably not b/c she's stubborn like that, but if Methos only told her the same thing over and over, eventually it might get drilled in and she might believe him ----

she still needs help ----- crazy woman
personally I think what she needs is someone to take her head and put her out of her misery
Originally posted by Diamond9697
personally I think what she needs is someone to take her head and put her out of her misery

yeah - that's one direction --- however - it's not very sporting!

hehe --- is there anyone who really liked her character? i didn't like her as the weird witch woman in the woods who seduced a 12 year old Duncan - that was kinda creepy -- what was up w/ that??? and didn't like her when she was trying to whack all the Horsemen - yeah, like she's strong enough --- sure - go ahead, chic! ---
sporting? remember that she used Duncan to take out Roland because she couldn't handle it herself...and she would have used him to take out the Horseman that very sporting?
no - i meant that someone needed to mess with her head first, then kill her ---- not that she shouldn't die ---- she's not a strong character and i'm not entirely sure why they kept on the show as long as they did ----
ohhhh....gotcha....and that would have to be stupidity...they should have had Kronos whack her or something
heck - anyone could have done it -- 'course, it would have had to have been 'on screen' b/c she was so important in Duncan's life -- argh -- why was she intro'd onto the show again?? to seduce 12-yr -old Duncan? okay, that's just wrong -- and why is Duncan the only immie-Scot to be a part of a prophesy?? or, the only immie for that matter -- okay - the only one we know about? or was the prophesy a load of crap so that Duncan wouldn't be afraid of the 'creature of Donnan Woods' any more???
*sigh* lets all face it Cassandra is a nut who hits on 12 year olds than uses them to her own plans I mean look at how she used Duncan to kill Roland and she planed to do the same with the horseman. how do we know she hasn't done this kinda thing before? she's probley done this kinda thing to only god know how many other Immortals over the 3,000 years she's been alive
and she's trying to say METHOS is a 'bad guy'?? where does she get off??

good point -- she's a conniving little..... and has NO room to accuse Methos of anything -- she's doing the same thing - just not directly --- okay - i'm liking her less and less -- (yeah, needed to point *that* out, didn't i?)
Cassandra has NO right to pick on Methos she's just as bad as the horseman were except she uses other ppl to kill for her
yep - that would be it ---

okay - someone off the immie Cassandra --

anyone read any fic where she actually does get whacked? the ones i've seen she's going after Methos, but nothing really happens ----
I have...but I can't remember where I read it at....Seventh Heaven most likely...

The really scary thing is when I read the ones where she falls in love with Methos after a lot of therepy *shudders* that one was scary
eeewwwwwww she falls in love w/ him? um - unless she already was in love with him, i don't think she could just 'fall' in love w/ him --- not even w/ centuries of therapy --- not only that - i don't think Methos would reciprocate --- ugh - not his style -- and he's never THAT hard up -------

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