(added a spoiler to your post, b/c you kinda listed what was in the spoiler from above - can't have that now, can we?
and no - they won't fix the timeline or put the canon back or 'not screw up' - why? b/c that's not the way Panzer works - he just has some idiot who's never seen Highlander write a movie, he says, 'hey that's got some action and Duncan's in the middle of all of it, and he doesn't die, so, yeah, that'll be a good film!'
but - the fans say, "But, Mr. Panzer, sir, what about the series? and the 1st three movies? Well, and Endgame, even tho it sucked. And all the canon and characterization?"
to which he would respond (if at all)- "Bah, we don't need any of that stuff - Duncan MacLeod is in the movie, that is enough for the fans."
Fans: "But, we like Methos, and Joe, and Amanda, and we like canon, and characterization....etc."
Panzer: "Bah, we have Adrian Paul, god of all film, and he will be Duncan MacLeod - the only character anyone pays attention to anyway, we need no more. We don't even need Duncan to stay in character, b/c no one will care! They will pay their money and watch the movie and make me rich! Bwahahaha! :evil:"
Fans: "But we DID care and notice in Endgame! It sucked! What does it take to get you to see that?"
Panzer: "But, you paid to see the movie anyway! You saw it! You paid money! And Duncan MacLeod was in it!"
Fans: "Forget it, we give up. We'll just go write fic and pretend you and your stupid movie ideas don't exist."
Fans leave Panzer standing alone raving about the greatness of Duncan MacLeod, heading off to write fic where Connor never died and Richie lives on, and Duncan still acts like Duncan and Methos and Joe play prominent and purposeful roles in the storylines like the should.........
(note, Bill Panzer was not harmed in the making of this parodic conversation)